That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

A very long and very robust, and dare I say even emotive reply from the series editor came back this evening, defending the segment to the hilt. The defence refers to all sorts of NPHET and other select evidence, rejects any notion or hint there could be anything wrong with the segment whatsoever.

I’ll appeal it to the Broadcasting Authority.


I’m a couple of days behind you so could be Monday.

Working days, so a few more than that I’d say.

Throw it up!

Just happened to hear the start of the Ryan Tubridy show this morning. He referenced Rory Stories Facebook post about all the positive things that happened yesterday (Ireland won the rugby, Mother’s Day, good weather on the way, grand stretch in evenings). Then encouraged his listeners to hang in there and that soon enough they’ll be out socialising and robbing traffic cones again😅

Very uplifting I’m sure. RTE must be tying themselves into knots today with what I can only imagine is feverish reporting of the criminal investigation into our current Tanaiste

They have to go

I’ve raised my complaint with the BAI now.

Interestingly, the BAI require you to register to set up an account in order to make a complaint. It’s difficult to see why they can’t take a complaint by mail or email like any other statutory organisation.

In addition, their portal doesn’t work on mobile devices. You’d think it should be mobile friendly considering people consume media on their phones so often.


Don’t let them stop you, stick it to em

They make it as awkward as they can to make a complaint I’d say,surprised you don’t have to fax it in.

Is @glasagusban the only genuine activist on TFK?

@Heyyoubehindthebushes went to a protest in Cork to be fair to him.

Myself and the other headbangers :joy::joy: tbf 1% of the crowd were headbangers but they are the ones on the six one.

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Goodbye then John, I’m afraid I missed your 5 minutes of fame but Hey! it happens.
We’ll quite possibly never see you again on the national broadcaster but you’ll have heard the parable about the prophet and his home patch.

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He’s a nasty nasty man, even if he has some valid points to make on certain issues he doesn’t deserve a platform on our national media. If people are relying on headbangers like that to get the messsge out then they’re fucked, there’s nobody less cuntish able to do it?


Anyone who attempts to is immediately grouped with him and his ilk. Pat Kenny played a section of comments from the protest yesterday and was so selective he could equate all who question as head bangers.

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Another dissenting voice silenced by the junta.

Would not agree with John McGuirk on much but he raised very valid points on Primetime recently

First they came for Ewan, and we said nothing…


Rte will be delighted to fork out that money because they know they’ve a reason not to bring him on again.