That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Seems RTE have no problem paying money to defame any SF or republican grouping.

On the other hand they won’t dare allow any negative commentary on govt members.

What was said about DOL ??? He seems a decent politician .

Not sure.

But it really makes a mockery of @croppy_boy’s contention that RTE are afraid of commenting on matters in case they get sued. They have a track record of pedaling mistruths against SF while refusing to cover the latest FFG scandal.

The groveling apology to Paschal the other day was sickening all because he didn’t like being asked a question and in the way the question was asked but if a SF person is on they are attacked from start to finish and barely let answer a question.

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I just came to post this and ask what was said.

€150k tax free, probably too much. Joe Duffy reckons he’s worth a lot to the station but he cost them a fair whack there, I wonder will it be docked from his wages? You’d have to wonder what was said.

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Duffy should be sacked.

He’s the Free State’s equivalent to Fatboy Nolan.


but sure joe only very recently became an employee as he was one of the crew with a production company. itsd surprising that revenue took such an easygoing approach to what some would have called tax evasion

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It’s actually a fair point. Who pays this money? Duffy should, not RTÉ and certainly not you and me.

RTE have a healthy €5m profit from the pandemic to dole out on libel cases.

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Hopefully they go on strike. Might speed up the pandemic end game


Anyone know what Joe Duffy said about donchadh o laoighaire?

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Something about his suitability to be minister for justice but I don’t know exactly. Would love to

Lads , I sometimes wonder about stuff like this . How does this not put any rte presenter in a very precarious position when it comes to debating a similar point with another union rep.

Example. Say Dublin bus decide to try and implement a 10% pay cut on their drivers due to lack of revenue/covid etc.
Phillip Boucher Hayes is interviewing Dermot O’Leary of the IBRU

"Dermot, Dublin bus is operating at 25% capacity. Your members are earning an average of 45k. The country is 30 billion in the hole. Do you not think you need to do your bit for the country here? "

“Phillip, you earn 100k a year as a stand in when someone is sick or on holiday. You’ve just rejected a proposal for a 3% pay cut and you’re asking me to do my bit for my country. Fuck off you smarmy fat cunt”


To play devils advocate here I presume RTÉ staff means everyone from the tea ladies to the janitors. It’s possible the stars voted for this but lower paid workers rejected it

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Many of the, ahem, ‘stars’ are not emplyed directly by RTE. Doubt they’d have had a vote

‘Stick that up your hole Dermot, you useless prick’

Who the hell employs them?

A lot of them are "self employed " and have set up companies which invoice rte for services. Of course this means they dont pay tax on a good scelp as they can write it off in expenses. However there are a select few of the high earners that are directly employed. I may be open for correction but I think the likes of George lee, the morning Ireland brigade and the newscasters are directly employed.