That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Defender of RTE calling in from stateside

Do you this cunt telling us that RTE kept everyone alive during Covid…ah stop


Another defender on now, Joe sounding perkier

This all happened before my time so I never really understood this, and despite listening to some podcasts about it some years back, I still don’t really understand it. My loose understanding is that the people that were branded as “Official Sinn Fein” ie. Eoghan Harris and Gerry Gregg (?) pretty much acted like unionists? Was it sort of like how the “Revolutionary Communist Party” of the 1980s turned into an anarcho-capitalist loon sect?

What was the main bugbear of those who push this narrative? Was it Section 31?

What exactly was the problem with RTE’s news and current affairs coverage from say, the 1970s to the 1990s, as people who push this narrative see it?

I’m only asking because this whole concept puzzles me slightly.


Don’t bring Roy Curtis’s beloved Grogan’s into this.

Duffy running down the clock here cutting in RTE supporters at every opportunity.

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Whoever is putting callers through has just guaranteed themselves a promotion

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We must be the most corrupt country in the whole world.

We need to be more like Britain or the US or Saudi Arabia or China or Russia where everything is done honestly.


Joe & Ryan share an agent surprisingly enough^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

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Is RTÉ’s slogan still “truth matters?”


The Ditch has still refused to comment on how its founder upped and left for Russia, or whather that person still has a role or influence with The Ditch. That person has been spouting pro-Russia propaganda since The Ditch was founded.

That isn’t transparency. The Ditch is largely funded by Paddy Cosgrave. No entity founded by Paddy Cosgrave is going to be transparent about its motives.

Why are people calling on Tubs to pay back the money?

The book the Lost Revolution by Brian Hanley is good on the topic. Interesting review of it here which addresses some of your questions.

Section 31 wasn’t the work of the Officials (from memory Official IRA were proscribed under it too). That was the work of Conor Cruise O’Brien

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It’s bizarre. Why should somebody pay back the money they earned from a contract they signed legitimately?

Presumably all those who are calling for this are willing to pay back money to their employer for no reason at all?

Emma O’Kelly & Co are coming for Joe & his like with the under the counter sweet heart deals.

Joe is sweating buckets

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First time ever they actually apologised for interrupting Brian Stanley. Normally they do nothing else but interrupt and shout down SF interviewees

It’s important that lessons are learned from this