That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Pat Kenny isn’t on Newstalk today. You’d wonder was there payments going on during his time at Rte.

Pat is a big wanker and he’d be quick to put the boot in I’d have thought out of pure jealously.


Tubs should should drive on with his political ambitions. Defrauding the state will get him in to the Dail if he stands for election in Tipp or Kirry.

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It’s hard to believe nobody asked them
straight out, isn’t it? While speaking about it like.
BOC was anyway, surely somebody on the liveline asked Joe, it’d be strange if they didn’t

It’s great how the angriest man here has never paid a penny tax in his life, except gift tax, which his accountant probably dodged :man_shrugging:


It would. If I was Joe, I’d be erasing any doubt and making sure everyone knew I wasn’t receiving any secret payments

Claire outright denying it now :clap::clap:

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I cannot believe COTY contender D’Arcy is on €8k a week.

:joy::joy::joy: what nonsense


Ciaran Mullooly calling out the salaries of the top ‘talent’ here. He’s on fire!

Covid Claire is gobsmacked.

Rte is like Russia falling apart. Claire trying to distance herself from it and throw everyone else under the bus.

Some of the departed regional correspondents like Mullooly & Damien Tiernan down in the south east appear to be particularly raging about this.

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Their balls must have dropped since they left RTE because they were two fairly bland, inoffensive types when they were there



If Claire Byrne hasnt been paid this way then the only other one that could potentially request this would be Joe Duffy. I don’t think anyone else would have the advertising clout that RTE would want to lose.

Didnt Gerry Ryan tell the management to fuck off for ages when they were asking him to take a 10% pay cut back in 2009. He claimed it was his advertising revenue that kept 2FM going. He eventually took it.

I don’t think Miriam would have it as Primetime presenters change every week. I presume she just got an hour on the radio on Sunday morning when she obviously wanted a few more quid a few years back.

Unfortunately I don’t think this barter account is going to be RTE’s 88888 account anyway.

So, it appears advertising agencies were billing clients for RTE advertising that they placed on their behalf. Then RTE kick backed a % to the advertising agencies.
Companies or organisations that have ran ads on RTE should demand sight of this payment ledger.

Advertising agencies bilking their clients.
Most of them do PR too, waiting for them to spin this!

it may not be, but its kicked off an external review which may turn up a load of other stuff

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He’s the only man for it…hopefully he drains the swamp. You’d have to assume that the folks frothing at the mouth about this, and rightly so, were marching on FAI HQ when Tighe wrote about corruption on a massive scale within that organisation


we’ll get round to that after we’ve marched on PWC