That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Sarah McInerney looking stunning on PT atm

Drain the swamp

Danish TV put shitloads into drama on public service broadcasters. A big part of why they had some minor success. I’d say a chunk of that funding will go as there is a centre-right party in power who have got rid of the licence fee in favour of direct taxation and the sense is the PSBs will lose a lot of revenue as a result.

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That’s a completely obscure bit of knowledge to have :laughing:

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You’d be surprised.

If you want to make proposals or recommendations on how to make change in a system, you look at what has and hasn’t worked elsewhere.

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This scandal is only beginning

A couple of hundred thou here or there involving the national broadcaster and the country losing its mind. Paddy is so small time. A nickel and dimer and always will be.

That said, Tubs is a sanctimonious weasel so fuck him.


Like the eu? And be called a fascist

Dunphy on the Tonight Show now making a virtue out of the fact he took a 10% cut on his 300k salary back in 2009.

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RTÉ never recovered from the high of leave it to Mrs o Brien imo.

I don’t think I would

RTE paid to do a marketing event for renault?

Read over the last 3 days of posting here, and not one person has even mentioned what the likes of Marty Morrissey nor Des Cahill are on. Tip of the iceberg.

The gahliban wagons have circled

They’ll do the usual and ape the British, badly

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How much is Ursula on too…

Worth every penny


HBO are only waiting to poach Ursula


It was surprising to see Paul Reynolds and Paul Cunningham at that staff protest yesterday.

With a high profile and years of service in there I’d have (obviously mistakenly) thought they’d have been on decent money. Not Joe Duffy or Tubridy money but on €100k a year minimum.

She’s taking over from Bryant Gumbel to do some wan on wan interviews for Real Sports.