That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Did you consider that they may have been there in solidarity with their less well off colleagues

Unsurprising that didn’t occur to you really

Lads that statement from RTE is scandalous. If Forbes was actually the only one who knew then the standards of governance at RTE mean everyone in the executive and board should go

A load of lads did some signing off of some stuff, but none of them knew what they were signing


There was an end of contract payment due to Ryan too, between this & RTE paying to promote Renault, the smug free state cunt should never work on RTE again


I still haven’t seen anyone string it all together and get to the nub of it

Why did RTE underwrite the agreement between Tubridy and Renault?
Why would Renault pay Tubridy €75k for three appearances? Would he charge people who weren’t sponsoring him €25k an appearance, if not, why would he charge his sponsors that.
Why did RTE give them a credit note for adverts for the €75k?

None of it makes any sense unless you take the view that;
RTE wanted to pay Tubridy an additional €75k a year, but couldn’t have the public or RTE staff finding out.
They went to Renault and said here, take €75k up front off your advertising budget, give it Tubs, and we will give you a €75k credit note.
You’ll get three appearances into the bargain as a cover, and we will pay to host some of the events.
Tubby’s agent, shrewd operator that he is, said hang on this agreement can be broken by Renault, what happens then? RTE agreed to guarantee it as IT WAS PART OF TUBRIDYS CONTRACT, not a commercial agreement.
After the agreeement was broken by Renault, they couldn’t pay it directly to Ryan because they knew they’d be fucked.
So they came up with their solution of hiding it in the slush fund.

So RTE essentially stole €75k of tax payers money, routed it to Tubby, and then lied to tax payers

But even an auditor will question payments from a slush fund eventually.


The statement also doesn’t close the circle in trying to land it all on Forbes desk. No one else on the executive board knew (really?) but others in RTÉ knew. One of those would be Tubrity himself.
He was signing a second contract to get an additional set of earnings outside of his main agreed contract.

So at present it seems as only Forbes and Tubrity knew of this second deal.

Sure legal, finance, advertising team, Late Late directors etc, loads must have been involved in it

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How much would one of the biggest stars in the country command as a brand ambassador for a company the size of Renault? No idea but looking at the coin some of the influencers are making…in isolation 25k per event is saucy but doesn’t seem absolutely mental (aside from the fact they were already paying this to rte)

This is the biggest scandal in the history of the state.

Tis for an aul gasún like yourself.


Come on, Rory Coveney is not going anywhere!! None of them are. Only question is do they drag it out until the dail goes on holidays or is there a fear that with space to fill the media will pick away at this throughout august?

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The RTE newsroom crew want blood they’ll keep it going. Joe punter might get bored of it though


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what a co-incidence, just around the time “concerns” were being raised by the auditors

Claire Byrne has categorically stated that she does not receive, and never have received any gifts or benefit in kind qualifying items in her RTÉ career.

Robert Shortt is a journalist, isn’t he? Think he’s economics correspondent. He’ll well know the levels of seethe amongst his colleagues.

Following on from @Julio_Geordio ’s post earlier, whatever about the reasons for using Renault to maintain Tubridy’s salary when pay cuts were being demanded/agreed elsewhere, it’s bizarre that they kept paying it via this contrived barter account when Renault backed out. Even though RTÉ had underwritten it (again completely weird), you’d think they’d have gone to Tubridy & his agent & said “we’re going to have to disclose this as part of your earnings, all the other top 10 earners have taken the pay cut, are you still going to accept this additional €75k?” Now maybe the cunt might have had the shamelessness to say “yeah” but I’d say there was a decent chance he would have blinked first.

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The Claire Byrne show has also confirmed that they asked the Executive Board if any of the senior managers have ‘good-bye’ money when their contracts end. RTÉ have said no there are no further such arrangements.

When Tubs handed in the keys of the LLS, his 5 year contract was nullified by RTÉ, and a new contract negotiations were commenced around his radio show. Those talks have now been paused.

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More a case of was she aware of it in going for the LLS position, was it being offered as plainly as the tweet above and who was involved in actually tabling the offer to her agent. In fact, can we see any written offer?

With Dee gone to ground, surely the paragon of virtue Claire could disclose what she knows on these contract areas?

I’d say they high earners in RTE like Claire Byrne are pissed off having the constantly clarify that they don’t have the same deal as Ryan Tubridy. I’d say if Tubridy went back to RTE the reception would be a little frosty.