That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

RTE seem to be terrified of Tubby and do whatever he wants

Civil war in Rte

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She’s been a shining light for the organisation for some time.

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All he has to do now is wait for those big money offers from BBC, CNN to roll in because that’s the only reason he was paid the big bucks, to stop him being poached. This is only starting to pick up steam now.

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From a brief review of the various reports, it seems that this barter account was akin to the dark web where the only rules are there are no rules.

It has been noted (not sure if this was by GT or RTE) as ‘operating outside of the organisation’s internal control procedures’. The commercial area posted transactions in and out of it without finance’s permission and seemingly on the behest of the Director General, although the Commercial Director claiming no knowledge is a bit far fetched.

What made up this account seems to have been anything which RTE wanted to keep hidden. There are references to golf outings, match tickets and others. Apparently Tubridy’s transactions were by far the largest in the account.

This must be very hard to swallow for staff forced to take pay cuts when this situation had been created for senior management to do as they pleased with a considerable pot of money away from standard expenditure approvals and reporting to the parent department.

He can be picked up on a Bosman now. CNN probably but you’d wonder will the Saudis come in with proper money to lure him away?


Also, what seems to be prevalent in RTE is a ‘look after the old boys’ club which meant that in some case obscene salaries have been paid to presenters.

This is all in the guise of ‘protecting commercial interests if said presenters decided to leave’. We are told that they could easily get more in the private area.

The last person to leave for the private area was Pat Kenny. A big hitter absolutely but he was replaced by Sean O’Rourke and forgotten about within a couple of months. Does anyone think people in Ireland could really give a fuck if Joe Duffy left RTE because what he perceived of as being a low salary? Where would he go? Something similar to Kenny no doubt.

The facts are that RTE management think it makes things much easier for them if they just keep the same names on the books paying them what they want. Fucking George Lee came back from the TD gig with his tail between his legs and is on close to €200k! Hopefully this episode will shake things up and run some of these chancers.


Would lads here be anal about their financial affairs

Jeez I’d do anything to avoid paying taxes etc, under the counter payments would be very welcome etc etc

That’s not the issue with Tubridy.

He gave it loads about taking a pay cut when he wasn’t taking one at all.

He also knew that his ‘salary’ was understated to the public but again just went along with it.


to be perfectly frank about it, there’s absolutely no way that tubridy wouldnt have known that his salary was falsely reported and that there was circumvention of official structures going on. the only question that remains is what else was going on in that barter account and that should lead to the question of who had knowledge.

the governance procedures have utterly failed at RTE and the Board has to take responsibility for that and accordingly should all tender their resignations.


You’d be a fool to pay more tax than you have to.

Chuckle, the ironing etc

There should be a top salary of €150,000 or whatever for these ‘stars’. Not happy with that? Fuck off then, there’d be plenty of people in RTE only too happy to take on the job at that price.

Some of these chancers being paid more than the Taoiseach, it’s a rotten little cesspit.

The money is astonishing for the actual work undertaken.


The lovely Aoibhinn, no need to draw her into this.

You’ll do well to replace their quality with those of a similar level. Be like replacing Marty with a Liam Ahearne

Yes. He makes that show.

Having seen the list of rte execs, recognising now that I worked with one of them a couple of decades ago, I have a fair idea how all of this came to pass.

Leopards don’t change their spots.


I’d be happy to pay significantly less than I have to,
Or if an employer offered to pay me extra money ‘under the counter’ for any reason, or not disclose my true salary I’d be happy to do that also.

I’m blown away by the straightness of the Irish people, I presumed differently

While your salary was constantly in the public eye?

If I buy a Renault will Tubridy do the handover when I collect it, show me how to pair my phone and where to find the spare wheel etc?