That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I’d accept under the counter payments but they would have to remain secret so my position on the high horse never came under threat


There’s Pearse Doherty giving it loads now on Leader’s Questions. SF are a great bunch of lads, whiter than white and appalled by this carry-on.

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It wouldn’t bother me in a moral sense though I’d fear being caught a bit more.
Why would I care, I’d do my job and take as much as my employers felt I was worth

If you buy a Renault you deserve to meet Tubridy, thats for sure.



Don’t worry, I wasn’t thinking of buying one.

What would you charge tubs with now aside from being a greedy hoor

Did he actually ‘give it loads’ about the pay cut though? I keep hearing this mentioned. That would make him a far bigger cunt than taking these payments imo

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Iirc he actually bragged about happily taking it. Worse again

By God.

I know. I’m still yet to get a decent background for the phone.


Wasn’t he earning over 700k at one stage?

That’s from 2019, before his latest contract was signed?

Is there anything inaccurate in it?

This scandal is only starting

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Ryan Tubridy rejects RTÉ’s claim he is out of contract as pay controversy deepens

Presenter insists the 2020 deal still stands even though his employer says it has lapsed

Ryan Tubridy is in conflict with RTÉ over his contract, disputing the broadcaster’s claim that the arrangement came to an end when he stood down from The Late Late Show.

In a development that compounds controversy over the star presenter’s payment, Mr Tubridy has dismissed RTÉ’s assertion that he is out of contract.

An authoritative source close to Mr Tubridy, who is off the air this week because of the ructions over his hidden pay, said the star presenter has challenged RTÉ’s argument. In addition, Mr Tubridy is understood to be taking legal advice on the status of the contract settled in 2020.

The source said Mr Tubridy “does not accept” the contract is terminated. “There is precedent for contracts of this nature that they are amended to reflect the fact the TV element of the contract is coming to an end – and that a value is assigned to TV and to radio and that a new figure is agreed going forward,” the source said.

News of the conflict emerged after a spokesman for RTÉ’s board said the 2020 contract had lapsed.

“Ryan Tubridy stood down from the Late Late in May,” the spokesman said.

“RTÉ has written to his agent that the contract (including all arrangements therein) has come to an end. Negotiations had commenced regarding his radio responsibilities. Those negotiations have been paused as with all negotiations as per board statement.”

The spokesman was responding to questions about Grant Thornton’s report on Mr Tubridy’s pay, which said RTÉ was still obliged to pay €75,000 per year to the presenter until the five-year contract ends in 2025.

Although Mr Tubridy insists his contract stands, he will not require payment of the €75,000 he says is due in the next two years. “The €75,000 per annum will not be pursued for the two years remaining in the contract,” said the source.

Tubs seems to have a good case here for breach of contract on RTE’s part. You’d imagine he’ll be following this one up through the courts.

Surprising that this story has been the top news story for a week or more now. I wouldn’t see it as that big a story on the face of it. RTE in particular are really running with it across the board. It must be a combination of a lot of very disgruntled people within RTE pushing the story and a public only to happy to put the boot into a sneery cunt like Tubbers and into RTE themselves for their disgraceful behaviour during Covid.

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I’d say it’s the biggest scandal in the history of the world?

It’s hard to see them sitting down to work out a new contract after what has been going on.

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