That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

One of the stars of Derry Girls was on The Late Late a few months back.

He was talking about whether she found it difficult playing a much younger character - (she was an adult playing a teenager etc).

He asked her what age she was. She got fairly spiky about it - ‘you wouldn’t ask a male actor his age’ and even threw in a charge of misogyny!

Tubs got visibly defensive, ‘I’d ask them the exact same question.’

‘We’ll have to take your word on that, Ryan.’

‘You will have to take my word on that.’

He quickly moved on and was like a cut cat!


RTEs head of commercial Richard Collins getting skewered by Imelda Munster here

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She was a right precious cunt.

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Twas lucky Dee didnt turn up here.

clear to see why they terminated her rather than letting her come in and hang the rest of them

She absolutely dismantled him without any aggro or confrontation, that was masterful.

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Rats the lot of them.


Imelda is taking no prisoners here

Jaysus, thats doing the rounds again, lovely.

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Its a pity we dont have a decent political satire show on RTÉ nowadays.


So Collins explanation here is RTE were paying Noel Kelly 75k for consultancy services pertaining to advising RTE on how to deal with NKM clients during Covid? Is he actually daft in the head

I’d have a crack off Geraldine.

There, I said it.

They want Dee. They want Dee so badly they can taste it.

not as badly as you do you sick fuck

I’d say she’d hand it back to you the grandest.