That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Ah fab commentates on loads of huge matches and presents. He might not be everyone’s cup of tea but live commentary is certainly not easy in the way what George lee does is. Fittest families too

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Id be pretty sure he gets extra for the voiceover on the fittest family.

What about Dobson on €209,000 for presenting the news at one on radio? He doesn’t even do the full 45 minutes on his own.

You’re paying a premium for trust there. That isnt cheap.

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George Lee on 180K a year to tell everyone the world is ending on the 6 o clock news every evening.


RTE’s Doomsday & Misery correspondent.

If he was allowed on during the Christmas Eve news he’d probably tell all the kids they were getting nothing from Santa.


See ya later Joe

Joe is a private consultant not an RTÉ employee.

wont be offered a new contract except at drastically reduced terms

This is where we play knifey spoony.

season 5 has moleman GIF

season 8 gary chalmers GIF

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Ten RTÉ exits ‘did not satisfy redundancy requirements’ (

the newsroom are gloating

Joe is also a massive cunt…

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The fact that she was married to TOD (for a while at least) would be a massive red flag against her.

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He did the dirt on her

Ciaran Mulldoony not happy.



Here’s George Lee on the news, €180,000 a year to show us how to recycle an empty bottle or can.