That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

She has to go

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Really? Why walk then?

In fairness to the girl she is probably getting the square root of fuck all for the job and is delighted to have the excuse to fuck in her hand.

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Sounds like @Rocko never passed on the message

€31.5k for ten meetings is a grand bit of top-up money

I would suggest that’s chump change for the hassle involved.


It is now alright.

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well firstly, she fired d4bes without notifying martin and martin inidicated confirdence in her abilities after that. everything thats been a screwup since then implicates martin because she trusted the board which shows she doesnt have good judgement.

it now emerges thatmartins officials were briefed on the severances so either martin is neglecting to remember or her officials kept it from her which id say is inconceivable.

Is she well-liked? First-time minister, is it inconceivable that she’s a bit naive and her civil service staff weren’t too bothered about catching bullets for her

it is inconceivable. that said, its not beyond the bounds of possibility that they would have given her everything and she missed it with information overload as she may not have a reputation for reading her briefs in full.

she already tried to throw a civil servant under the bus for her excessive milage claims and if she ties that trick again, then id imagine journalists will be told what to FOI

I was in college with her in the early 90’s. She was sound as a trout but never seemed to have any interest in politics and was never involved at student level.

I was surprised to see her enter public life as she’d be very family orientated. A very nice woman, maybe a bit naive regarding the cut and thrust of politics.

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skin and fur flying, you love to see it

Fresh crisis in RTÉ: Chair Síun Ní Raghallaigh ‘spoke on the phone’ with now retired official about exit package |

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Well it’s either she knew of the financial package last October and ignored it or she didn’t know which indicates she hasn’t a clue about what’s happening in her Department.

Untenable whichever way you want to look at it.

This looks like a serious mis-step from Minister Martin. Probably wouldn’t have happened if the Sec Gen was still in situ, but it’s a poor look now and just adds to the confusion.

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Gangsters Ted,every one of them.The average lad working in RTE most be raging with these absolute cunts.

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the eamonite wing of the party smugly looking on

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Joe Duffy, the company man cunt, refusing to touch this resignation today.

Instead he has his hand on the pulse of the nation and is covering its most pressing issue - colour blindness for those watching the rugby tomorrow.


in this post, its you, the person who listens to Joe Duffy rather than Joe Duffy that is the dolt