That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The champagne cyclist weighs in.

Casey making it up as he goes along on rte^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1761017136233799838|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

The worm has turned

Tbh I sometimes do that of a Friday too. Hope everyone has it forgotten by Monday

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Most of my press queries come in at 5 of a Friday and they’re answered in half an hour, if they’re not it leads to more on monday

The RTE thing (and the FAI) is like doping in sport and the transgender thing. You’ve a load of people pretending to be outraged but in reality nobody really gives a fuck, they just pretend to because they’re bored and see it as a chance to give their meaningless lives some sort of fake meaning.

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The makeover thing on the today show earlier was uber roaster / cringeworthy.

Kneecap. Not a fan of their music. Fair play for togging off in the Palestine top. Kneecap. P Kielty. Funding for roads in the north. Casement park. A united Ireland is near…

Looks like the minister can’t remember which way to spin :grin:

Trying to squirm out of the mess of her own making by saying former secgen shouldn’t attend committee with current officials.

Committee should invite former secgen separately


Katherine Licken now declining to appear before the PAC.

Accountability my arse.

Guards need to be launched into all these cunts.

Why should she appear. She had retired and has no obligation to abase herself before this circus.

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So now RTE and the department are at odds over who made the decision to stop running TV license adverts on non-RTE channels.

Will it ever end? :face_with_peeking_eye:

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So accountability is only for the plebs is it??

She was an employee of the state and familiar with the matter in hand. All that’s involved is what she was told, when and whom she passed in that info to.

Can’t be too hard can it?

How was she a state employee

Richard Boyd Barrett says the top RTÉ execs have been walking away with enormous golden showers.



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Could be cause for a new Flood Tribunal.


Huge news if true.


I give a fuck mate. As does anybody who knows anyone who has been fucked over by rte, which is the vast majority of their employees. You’re confusing your own views with everybody else’s for some reason.