That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

You do you m8, no need to get all pissy

No need to assume you have an idea what everybody else thinks. It’s quite clear that you think very differently to lots of people.


I really care about doping in sport.

There are over 8 billion people on the planet, mate, it’d be difficult to think in the same way as all of them.

And yet you just made a grand sweeping statement about how we all feel about rte.

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A horse racing fan going on about doping in sport

Oh wait, horse racing isnt a sport, my apologies.

Doping in sport is a bit like shoplifting, I don’t support it but I find it hard to get particularly worked up about it, it’s always going to happen and there are a lot worse things in the world.

Only a person who deep down knows his teams are doping could post that.

More lies.

You need to stop taking throwaway posts on forums completely literally.

If it makes you happy I can replace the word “nobody” with “not that many people”?

Not a civil servant no??

Chicken licken



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Its very easy to point fingers and blame the top execs and ‘talent’ who were creaming it but they rightly fucked over the low level journalists and people in the background with shit pay or let go to cut costs under the guise of beimg skint.

Those people deserve to see the high earners get hung out to dry. A lot of people rightly fucked over and i do feel for them.

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A lot of people will cry crocodile tears for poorly paid journalists with poor working conditions and then turn around and vilify them as “fake news media”, and see no contradiction.


Catherine talking her way out of a job

She should never have done that interview last Thursday night. If she was in the private sector and did something like that, she’d already be out on her ear

Mattie McGrath wants CAB to get involved in RTE.


RTE disproving the theory that corporate governance issues would be solved by putting lefty women in charge of things. Turns out they are just as bent as anyone else.