That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

What theory is this? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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With the amount of homeless and lack of housing in Ireland, is Home of the Year a tasteless addition…

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FFS! The recently departed RTE Chair was there for 15 months, they’re making it out like she slaved away there for decades. :roll_eyes:

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Yerra accountability is only for the plebs.

It appears Siún Ní Raghallaigh had waived her entitlement to the 31.5k to chair the board


I think this is being driven by RTÉ news because they’re afraid to be seen to sweep sweep it

It’s really of little interest to the general public except as public sacrifice, the Tubridy stuff was certainly a public interest story because of his profile but these no names are really taking up too much time


I also think RTE are driving it because they are pissed off with the higher ups as well.


Sorkin :clap:

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The real RTE scandal is the poor pay and working conditions of the ordinary staff. I saw the name Angie Mezzetti there recently and I recalled that name from hearing it most mornings when she’d read the news on Morning Ireland. 23 years after she last worked in RTE she was involved in a court case and it was found that she had been incorrectly classed as self-employed for all the time she was working there. I’m sure there are a thousand other stories along somewhat similar lines.

Instead we get a choreographed and fundamentally unserious soap opera about particular high up figures handed to us. Catherine Martin is apparently “the story” now, like Tubridy was previously “the story”. But she’s not.


That culture is the story surely

I don’t think it is, not as far as the wider media are concerned. A culture of low pay and low conditions is too dry. It isn’t soap opera-y. I think certain people are turned into soap opera characters and it becomes unserious soap opera to the neglect of the real story. Committee hearings are soap opera fodder. The story now is “should Catherine Martin resign”. For what? How is this the story? I find a lot of major stories are covered in a fundamentally unserious way. The Trump story in the US is mainly covered as dumb soap opera rather than as the 1930s style rise of criminality, lies and fascism it actually is. The coverage of what Israel is doing is mainly reduced to issues of whether token “humanitarian” aid will be allowed into Gaza. Slogans and soundbytes predominate.

Bakhurst takes to loudhailer at RTÉ staff rally, says it’s been ‘horrendous period’ for workers Bakhurst takes to loudhailer at RTÉ staff rally, says it's been 'horrendous period' for workers

Real David Brent vibe to that

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I see Paul Reid is in the running for RTÉ chair. Has always struck me as absolutely clueless. He must have some serious info on multiple senior politicians.

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Cc @Bandage


He has that required trusty silver fox look that guarantees you a robust outcome.


Terrific appointment.

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Have you had dealings with him? He strikes me as a fella who’ll do an intense root cause analysis of the fiasco and take no prisoners.