That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Yer man Mork is on with Brendan O’ Connor now talking about his alcoholism. Doireann has given him a great platform in the media.

He knows people who do cocaine in the office apparently.

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Listening there. Hadn’t a clue who he was. A dose to listen too. I’d well imagine he could go full Bressie on this yet.

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He’s already pivoted down the mindfulness route. He even has a book coming out.

he gets an awful doing on Tattle

I doubt he is an alcoholic, just milking it for attention


“This is not a self help book. It’s a blatant attempt at monetising addiction”.


RTÉ really pushing the boat out for St. Patrick’s night with Hitler: A Life in Pictures on RTÉ 2 at the moment.


I doubt he needs the cash.

He’s a genuine headcase tbf, sadly his patter isn’t that good when he’s not on the drunk and drugs.

The Snapper hasn’t aged well

Its still funny but I’m doing a lot of explaining to the kids here

Still seems like a great snapshot of Dublin

And no sign of the football highlights wrapping up yet.


I don’t really get this concept of artistic works “aging” or “not aging” well. Artistic works are by definition of their time. They’re either good or they aren’t.

The Simpsons and Father Ted would require a lot of explaining. Spitting Image and Yes Minister even more so.

Doesn’t mean they aren’t good.

Its still tremendous fun. The kids are loving it. But it’s set in a different time so some context needs to be given.


I loved Mr. Ed when Sky One showed it during mid-term break in 5th class.

The definitive version of Batman is and will always be the campy mid-60s version shown routinely on Saturday morning kids TV in 1989 and 1990.

The Bible, Shakespeare and the US constitution haven’t aged well to be fair and all are artistic works of fiction.

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Is there anybody buying the TV Licence these days?
Letter came through the door this morning.

Not in our house, no.

No never did and never will.
You’d want your head examined if you were paying it.

The inspectors are avoiding confrontation; they literally don’t want the hassle. It’s a matter of just delivering the notice in the letter box and toddling off to report that they called.

I pay it. It’s a rather small annual fee that hasn’t gone up in years. The problem is they squander so much of it. But I suppose it’s the same as taxation in that manner :man_shrugging:.

I usually only use RTÉ television for sport and a bit of news occassionally, as well as Radio 1 and Lyric.

I’d imagine it’ll move to a different model of funding (general taxation perhaps) in coming years.

@Locke watching and listening to Donners but doesn’t want to pay for the privilege