That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The only man in Ireland watching Dancing With the Stars and he won’t pay the licence fee.


Why does the vast vast majority of our TV licence go to RTÉ who by your own admission is being run shamefully? VMTV, TG4 etc. should get an equal amount. Call it what it is, the RTÉ Licence fee.

Read an article like this one over the weekend.

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We pay the TV license by direct debit, it’s €40 a quarter and probably a load of hastle to cancel. If it was a bill or a reminder coming in the post then I’d ignore it.

TG4 get a share. VM should not. They’re a fully commerical enterprise. They are allowed show more ads and import more programmes.

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It’s not that I don’t want to pay it as such. It’s more I’m afraid of paying it and then they change the format like they’ve been threatening to do for years.

In that scenario the people who haven’t paid will get away Scot free most likely. I’d imagine it would be difficult for them to look for arrears.

As far as I can see VMTV is rebroadcast ITV with a couple of Irish news segments (that are probably forced on them by the regulator )


That’s more or less it. They’ve a small percentage of Irish programming, and are owned by a multinational founded in America. They can also get licence fee for specific programming through Coimisiún na Meán’s (formerly BAI) Sound and Vision fund but I don’t see them using it that much. That fund would actually support Irish producers and Irish programming but they’re more interested in showing cheap imports.


never seen the RTE schedule so

As it turns out, I looked at that Sound and Vision scheme and three projects (by independent companies) got funding to be made for VM in one round last summer. Over €1 million in total funding for them.

I think we paid it once after a couple of visits from the inspector

I think this is an ongoing issue with RTÉ. It’s foundation was based on importing cheap American shows like Dragnet and that’s a legacy that remains to today. It doesn’t have (and never had) the resources to do a fully homegrown schedule. And then they absolutely piss away money. It’s an infuriating organisation. I did some reporting before freelance for a programme there (over a decade ago) and it was a nice little gig but it wouldn’t make you rich. The producers contact me then to say the budget isn’t there anymore :man_shrugging:.

I’d have fairly radical ideas on what it should be (a stripped back (get rid of 2fm and RTÉ 2 to start) fully public service broadcaster).

I’ll pay it. Without the gaa coverage we’d be no where.


I pay it- I watch the news most nights, the matches and the few primetimes et cetera

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Did I say I don’t pay i?. I meant I do pay it. I’m on an anonymous forum where I can lie about anything and can say what I want and now I want to say that I pay it.

Do me a favour lads.


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I pay it. It drives the far right fellas mental for some reason and that’s good enough for me.


I don’t pay it and it does drive me mental when I hear of lads paying it

Why would you let that bother you?

It was a play on the above post mate. I couldn’t give a fuck if fellas will their houses to RTÉ


That’s how I basically form all my views on here. How will I annoy the far right loons.

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