That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Would you expand on what you’d do? I’m interested in your views here, as you have that media background & a calm & sensible disposition.

He probably should be banned from here


Thinly veiled “he works in the Porn industry “

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Tell him nathing…he could be auditing your crowd next week

Have in past but haven’t paid it in years

A bit of everything Bando in the past. Jack of all trades but a master of none. Bits of radio, bits of print work. Never did that much for RTÉ. Some bits for Radio 1, a few things for 2FM, and one job for Lyric. Don’t do much of that anymore*

*Bar my role as editor-in-chief for Gript


You’ve misinterpreted me.

I wasn’t being nosy about what specifically YOU DO for a living.

I wanted to get more detail about how you’d fund RTÉ given you mentioned doing media work & having industry knowledge etc. That’s what I meant when I asked what would YOU DO.

Oops :joy::grimacing:

I’d look at reforming/ removing the licence fee (perhaps through general taxation). It would then have a guaranteed income per annum.

I’d remove RTÉ 2 and 2FM. What they do is covered by commercial sector.

Programming would move to almost 100% Irish produced, thereby supporting an Irish audiovisual industry. Paying for Eastenders and Dr Phil means no money stays in country.

More niche programming (even a radio station equivalent of BBC6) that isn’t found on commercial broadcasters.

I’d move it somewhere between BBC (PSB remit but with very high production values due to significant income stream(s)) and the American version of PSB (very much niche programming that is not consumed by the majority of Americans).

Of course, none of this will ever happen.


I’ll DJ for you if you get an equivalent of BBC 6 here. I’ll do it for free to keep the costs down.


RTÉ 2XM could have been that but it ended up being a glorified student radio station and they treated the presenters crap.

Ask not what your country can do for you…

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I have given my country some service already.

An Slua Muirí?

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That’s a step too far, no?

I dont pay it, if it wasnt for live gaa or rubby i wouldnt have any use for rte. Dont have a radio in the house, all radio presenters are cunts, well daytime ones anyway.

I never watch television but RTÉ radio (1) is top class, I don’t know how you’d be without it


My brother is the same-never ever watches it. Likes newstalk and that craic and then would be totally netflix and podcasts.

Honestly cant stand any radio channel. Everyone on today fm is also unbearable. Back when i was in college post 7pm was good, while i was studying or working. Her father cant get over we dont have a radio in our house

Podcasts netflix streaming and YouTube is all i need

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