That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Bressie will be referenced in the coming weeks …

It’s fucking sickening. He’ll get an easy time off the Oirish press because of his homosexuality. A couple of years out of the limelight was his only punishment.
And don’t give me this depression rubbish. The only reason he was “depressed” was because he was caught.
Expect a soft soap interview with his fellow cokehead in RTE in the not too distant future.


We need to see him cry, then it will be ok.

Ray Darcy?

He could be another one alright

What did he do again?

Did he try to rape some one or something like that?

‘Despite nonsense comments like this, I’ll continue to learn, evolve, challenge my imperfections and channel my virtues’.

That’s definitely one of his.

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I don’t know I can’t remember. It was something sickening by all accounts and he needs to be punished.

Did he grab someone by the mickey in a male toilets? Something like that anyway where he tried to take advantage of someone

Something happened in St Pat’s psychiatric hospital?

A sick young fella in a hospital bed made allegations against him alright who he had taken a shine to when doing hospital rounds being a good Samaritan. Came out on the papers more about it anyway.

So he’s an Irish Jimmy Saville?

Several people have made allegations against him I believe. I’d heard he’d be well known by bouncers across Dublin as a lad who takes liberties with straight fellas, but again that’s just something I’ve heard third hand so it could be bollocks.

Be relatively easy to be grabbing fellas bollocks if you had a third hand you’d imagine. Plausible deniability built in.

You went out of your way to shoe-horn that joke in and it wasn’t one bit funny

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Make of it what you will I’m only regurgitating the basic background to a story that the papers published.

I did indeed. Well spotted.

That’s the spirit. It only took tfk about 5 years to get you…


A swing and a miss.