That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Wasn’t that al porter lad well on the way to becoming a priest, before comedy?

It’s never too late

Catherine Tomas?

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That smug cunt Franc is on now sniggering at 2 portly hushions being welded into wedding dresses. Both of them could shed a few stone but Smughole kept fawning and leering until the pair of them were transformed into Princesses… :wink:

A terrible lot wrong here - participants, presenters, concept, dreadful altogether.

I’ve retaken control of the remote after this aberration by the War Office.


No he rode a priest. According to him.


Gerard ‘Titch’ Lennon’s comment :clap:



Will you paste the comment for those of us who don’t have Facebook please.


Imagine getting out of bed on cold Monday morning and listening to eoghan mcdermott on your way to work… I’d drive the car into a lake.



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Gerry Ryan’s daughter has a caricature size head.

“Lottie was really unlucky here, that’s the truth of it,” says Healy. "She really was in a great position to get the breakfast show but when it became clear Doireann was a possibility for us then we decided to go with a whole new breakfast show.

“Unfortunately we had to make that change, but Lottie is having a great career. Nobody works harder in this organisation than Lottie Ryan. There are great things coming for Lottie but I feel really sorry for her. I’m sure she feels this one passed her by but when you work like Lottie Ryan works nothing passes you by.”

@backinatracksuit will be devo.

Chin up Lottie!

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Who is this Doireann one?

Aoibhinns sister

Ah right

Who is Aoibhinn?

Aoibhinn Garrihy

She’s the one who had her bib and tucker out for all to see in a photo that @myboyblue posted earlier in the week.

Lottie looks like a sister of Tyrion Lannister there.