That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Answer the question, art

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Do you mean you’ve got titillated by pictures of attractive women 42 times in your life?

Saw her on Late Late few weeks ago and was bemused as to what she was.
The boss says she has a serious following online and does Pippa brilliantly apparently.

I just thought she had a weird head but each to their own.

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Art and his pals planning which woman to shame next…

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Ah she’s not. She has a head like something out of the Macnas parade



A head like a prop forward in Rubby.

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There is an elfin, rogueish quality to her face

It is full of personality

She’s hot and she’s a livewire

I find that a very attractive combination

I think a lot of people here prefer the Stepford Wife type, which I don’t find particularly attractive

Jack and Jones . Classic

Everyone to their own pal

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I’d gladly smash her back door in. :man_shrugging:

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She’s a more fucked up version of Hayley O’Connor

Chemical castration is the only job for these cunts.

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Montana summers, whoever she is, has a strange figure

She should stick to drinking her cousin Colorado Spring!

RTÉ are actually taking the piss with Francis Brennan now.
He’s on a cruise ship here for a series for no apparent reason


An operator of a 5 star hotel tries his hand at running a high end tourist service operation.

What a whacky concept.