That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

St. Petersburg looked a lovely city all the same. I’d love to visit it.

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It seemed to be a glorified add for the cruise ship

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It’s an amazing city. Well worth a visit.

That’s what i took from it too. They must be rubbing their hands together at this exposure.

Anyone besides @Fagan_ODowd actually went on a cruise ship holiday? What would be the going rate for a ticket for say a week in the Mediterranean or the Baltics? The overheads must be enormous. I think there are over 1000 staff on that ship Francis is on, between entertainers, kitchen staff, cleaners etc. And then i think the ship’s might be all inclusive for food and drink.

If they could somehow shoehorn an episode in where Brennan is joined by Dermot Bannon sticking a glass extension onto the side of the ship and working on its BER rating you would have RTÉ gold.


With Eddie Hobbs recommending a Credit Union loan to pay for it



One up the coast of oz

Food all inclusive, drink can be as well for another charge.

You’d get a cruise for a week for about €1000 for two people without the drink included.
But the bigger rooms and suites etc you could be looking at €10k.
Some of the ships can hold 5,000 people.
The fee for the room is only the start of it, they are selling something to you constantly on the ship, excursions, spa treatments, general tat, casino etc. But that’s up to yourself obviously. You needn’t put your hand in your pocket if you don’t want.

A load of Americans seem to use them as a semi retirement home, they’d be on cruises half the year.


Basic can be anything from 1k up depending on the itinerary and the season. That would be for an inside room. Pay more for an outside room with a porthole then more again for a balcony then a suite. That’s all inclusive with the food and entertainment. Then you pay for drink or buy an all inclusive drinks package. Heh heh. You can pay for priority boarding and better or any Wifi. You can pay for excursions or just wander off the boat yourself and do your own thing. And you have that curious thing where you are expected to tip like a cunt but you can buy a tips inclusive package

Well that’s me taken aback. :joy:. What a concept.
Elderly pals of mine go on them a fair bit. They say a lot of folk just get off at the end, and wait at the port and straight on the next one. Apparently the big ships have a six bed morgue.

Comedian Al Porter arrested after interfering as gardaí dealt with public order incident, court hears

Judge told Mr Porter to ‘mind his own business in future’

COMEDIAN Al Porter was arrested when he interfered as gardaí dealt with a public order disturbance on a Dublin city centre street, a court heard.

The former TV and radio presenter (26) intervened as officers were arresting other people who had been shouting at them in the late night incident.

Mr Porter maintained he was trying to act as a “peacemaker”, but admitted a public order offence.

Judge Flann Brennan dismissed the case, leaving him without a criminal record, after telling him to “mind his own business” in future.

Mr Porter, from Raheen Park, Springfield, Tallaght, pleaded guilty to wilfully obstructing a garda in an incident at Camden Street on October 6 last.

The entertainer, whose real name is Alan Kavanagh, has previously hosted Blind Date on TV3, was a lunchtime radio presenter on Today FM and starred in the Gaiety’s Christmas panto.

His case came before Dublin District Court for the first time today.

Garda Sergeant Gail Smith handed evidence of the accused’s arrest, charge and caution in to court by certificate and said a summary of the case had been submitted to the defence. There was one charge, she said.

Mr Porter was pleading guilty, his lawyer said.

Sgt Smith said gardaí were on patrol at 2.45am when a group of young men began shouting at them. The gardaí had stopped to arrest one of these people when Mr Porter intervened and said “No, he didn’t think they should be arrested,” Sgt Smith said.

Mr Porter was then himself arrested for interfering in the arrest.

He was subsequently released and returned to the garda station twice to apologise, the court heard. Mr Porter had no previous convictions and had not come to the attention of the gardaí since.

Mr Porter was “trying to be the peacemaker” and what happened was a “momentary aberration”, his lawyer said.

He was very apologetic and pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

His lawyer asked Judge Brennan to deal with Mr Porter as leniently as possible.

“Mr Kavanagh, don’t do anything as foolish as this again, mind your own business in future,” Judge Brennan said.

He accepted the accused had learned a lesson and remarked: “Blessed is the peacemaker.”

The brief hearing lasted less than two minutes.

The accused, wearing a purple jumper, white shirt, black trousers and black shoes, thanked the judge before leaving the courtroom.

Porter stood down from his role as Today FM lunchtime presenter in 2017, with his TV3 show Blind Date dropped shortly after.

He also stood aside from his involvement in the Gaiety Christmas panto at around the same time.

Still cant shut his trap , he should be behind bars for his groping anyway

What an absolute waste of court and Garda time though ffs.


Odd goings on in RTE over the past 24 hours.

What’s this now?

They also decided to give the RTE Concert Orchestra to the NCH without consulting the Govt.

Imagine your business plan being based around that bucket of shit RTE Player :joy:


It’s tripe endless fooking loops of ads😡

I tried watching something on it there lately and had to give up. It just kept restarting


The interviews with Dee and Seamus Dooley were a little bit strange .