That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The Ray D’Arcy ad…

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Claire Byrne coming up here. Caitriona Perry on to give us her expert view on what next for the USA and Joe Brolly to tell us about the Joe Biden he knows.


Tony Cascarino on it about Alzheimer’s disease ??

Correct. I assume from heading the ball.

Does anyone actually give a fuck about this Seamus Woulfe story?

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Beaker is creaming himself about it here.

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Heard him about it on OTB AM last week.

He’s very good on it.


Fionnán saying Woulfie might have to resign! What did he do this time

Chief Justice came out and slated him and said he should resign.

Fucking hell

This reenactment :grinning::grinning:

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Back in Claire’s shed with Nurse Liz and for some reason Brian Kennedy.

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More live testing on claire Byrne. …

Fran Dempsey would have been good in that.

I’d love to know how he was chosen :laughing:

Has Luke shown up ??

Very well demonstrated there. Would have been difficult to explain using words alone.

Brian Kenneddy never played a guitar in his life

wtf, it just stalled and all of a sudden back to nurse liz, claire and brian

To think RTE have gone from John Bowman to Claire Byrne and her weekly “little house on the prairie” gimmicks.