That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

When did Angela Scanlon go off working for the Beeb? Saw her anchor another “home improvement” show with a pair of lesbians in teeside last night.

She’s a cracking bit of stuff and a fine presenter

Ages ago. She was doing that 7 o’clock magazine show with a couple of years I’d say

surely a rector rather than a priest? i know the family that used to live in the rectory beside Emo

After a quick look, Father Francis Browne was a Jesuit priest and photographer. Interesting dude who was at Emo Court 1930-'57s but had taken photos on the Titanic, Outback Australia and others.

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Mention of him and Emo reminded me of this wan, I wondered was it the same priest, but no

Incredible story.

interesting. thanks

Indeed she is,too good for Montrose.

I was at a wedding where she was one of the bridesmaids. This must be close to 10 years ago before her TV career took off anyway as she definitely wasn’t well known at the time. Never saw a woman get so much attention at a wedding. Lads asking her out to dance, lads asking for her phone number, throwing their phone number at her. There was nearly a line of lads queuing to chat her up all night. Even in the church earlier in the day all the talk among the men was to check out the hot ginger bridesmaid. Some bit of gear in fairness.

Probably wasn’t long after that when she started appearing on TV. That Oi Ginger documentary she did for RTE was 2013 according to wiki so that seems about right.

Ha! Saw bit of same thing. The lesbians go for.your man’s or yours wan’s suggested improvements?

Had they never seen an attractive woman before?

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She had a show announced last year on RTÉ that never materialized. Wonder what happened

They went for yer wans design

I’d say the bride was thrilled.


Did this wedding take place in Tipperary by any chance ?


No wonder she was the only looker there

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Hope Kasper Schmeichel isn’t exposed at left back

Get in there RTE! Ayatollah Eamon Martin should have a word with himself. Do blasphemy laws still exist?

“The five-billion year-old stood accused of forcing himself on a young middle-eastern migrant and allegedly impregnating her against her will, " :rofl:

AH! the cunts have apologised. Fuck them. Bring out Madame Guillotine!

I see there was some lad on newstalk this morning saying rte shouldn’t have apologised