That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

She’s bang average

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Really looking forward to this Clear History comedy panel show on RTÉ 2 on Thursday night, in which some of Ireland’s funniest people are “confronted with some embarrassing moments from their past, while team captains Joanne McNally and Colin Murphy highlight the cringiest events from the nation’s collective memory.”

I’d say it will be an absolute hoot.

Wtf? How in the name of Jayzus did Alison Spittle not get the gig?

RTÉ has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to “funny people”, so they’re rotating guests through the series - I’d be amazed if she doesn’t get a run out at some stage.

Operation Transformation. Is there a more depressing concept on the telly. There is probably but Operation Transformation is still fairly depressing.


Now with added mindfulness!

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Rte reporter on radio 1 just now after a piece on schools… questions have to be asked about construction remaining open when everything else is shutting down. WTF?

They’d improve it if they got a few beefier presenters and it was part of their remit to lose the few pounds, instead of the usual condescending clatter from the irritable Kathryn Thomas/ Ray D’Arcy/whoever the fuck presents it.

Alison Spittle could do the job

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Anything that gets people out and exercising is to be applauded. It gives a great sense of community too. I’d not be a fan of watching fat people body shamed on national tv, but the community element to it is very good.

Rte want everyone locked in there home bar themselves and tv licence inspector’s


Anybody watch ‘The way we were’
New nostalgia talking head show on Sunday night, first episode was about how we holidayed in the past, wasn’t great but upcoming episodes promise more,

Two weeks in a house in Youghal was as good as it got for us, were any of you lads ‘on the continent’ in the 80s? Butlins looked like hell on earth


Went to Lourdes with a school group in 1983. We were supposed to be pushing wheelchairs for two weeks but they didn’t have any for us to push. One of the most boring two weeks I ever put down.


We didn’t travel beyond Ireland till the 00s. Ballyheigue, Achill, Ardara and Kilkee were the spots

It was entertaining I pestered the parents through the early 80s to go to Butlins after watching that I’m glad I didn’t. Ballybunion and Kilkee all the way simpler times but we were happy out.

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We used to go to Youghal for the odd day trip. Lough Gur was usually as far as we got.


Went to Butlins with the soccer team (Bolton) after we won the u-12 league. I can still remember the smell out of the cabins where we slept. Conor Cantwell got sick and the camp doctor diagnosed him as having appendicitis. He was taken to Our Lady of Lourdes and his parents had to come up from Waterford. Turned out it was food poisoning. There was a glass ceiling on the shop which was the bottom of the swimming pool. All the lads used to swim to the bottom and expose themselves to the customers. It was a great holiday all round.


The father always wanted to bring us camping so he took us to Courtown one year. The mother was always dead set against it but she relented this year. I was twelve. He hired a tent from O Maras and off we went. Except he hadn’t booked a pitch. We got to Courtown and trailed around the campsites to no avail. We eventually managed to get into an unofficial site (ie a field with an outhouse). We pitch the tent and two go boys from Dublin pitch a two man tent beside us. The lads are head to toe in denim, long hair, moustaches, sideburns, smoking, the works. They head off to the pub. We hit the hay.

Around midnight we are awoken by a ruckus next door. The lads have come back from the pub with two ladies. The two man tent isn’t big enough to to accommodate them all. There are shouts of will you hurry the fuck up. I want me fucking go etc. I pretend to sleep through it all. Not a word is said in our tent.

The following morning the father silently packs up the tent and we drive off. We never go on another camping holiday.


You need to write a book, or a blog at the very least

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: