That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

While the US were busy arming Saddam, Bin Laden and ISIS the Russians were fighting the good fight.

this feels appropriate for insertion here

I’m gonna leave it there

Yeah I dont watch Prime time so it was a general question if they had done one or not. They were correct to do a special back in 14 or 15 or whenever it was initially. There was systematic abuse going on. It needed to be thoroughly investigated. I just think their report, albeit small it seems, on holiday makers was not a necessary one and there are many other areas of concern we should have with regards outbreaks. I’m not sure if it was you or someone else, but I had mentioned recently about how meat processing plants were given carte blanch during the offaly/laois/kildare lockdown and told how they had upped their game and improved things since. Last week there was over 50 cases from one plant in Bunclody. I’d wager that the cases from that one plant in one week is more than any transmissions from any international travel. And I also dont get why there isnt more of an issue being made of the amount of transmissions happening with patients in hospitals who had gone in clear of covid.

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Game, set, match Fulvio.

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He should go in fairness, just like people should go on holidays once they’re not breaking the restrictions.

Only problem is Biden won’t remember meeting him at all.

you want the hospitals lambasted in the middle of a pandemic for fighting a pandemic while they’re flat to the boards trying to deal with it?

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I reckon he will. I reckon you’re being foolish. I reckon you thought that would be funny.

You want the fact that transmissions are happening in hospital at an alarming rate hushed?

It’s reported in the daily figurers - do you want them to do a report in the hospitals? It isn’t hushed, otherwise you wouldn’t know about it.

If you need RTE to tell you that an infectious disease is transmitted in hospitals then you’re a terminal idiot

The hospitals should have to answer for and improve that. I dont know it that counts as “lambasting” but more should be made of that

I think they should, certainly given the fact that transmissions in hospital are happening at a huge rate.

It should be the main news heading, it’s a scandal. The INMO have spoken out against the conditions but RTE were more interested in reporting on Biden’s mask designer.

during the pandemic - while they’re on the brink of being overwhelmed - do you want a reporter going into ICU and shoving a mic in a doctors face saying why aren’t ye doing more to prevent the spread?

But ye don’t want a few lads sneaking back into the country asked about their holiday


Claire Byrne as shoving a mic in hospital workers faces outside the Mater a week or so ago.

so you got what you wanted? What are you bitching about? You said they weren’t reporting on it

No I didn’t want that.

She didn’t report on the transmission rates in hospitals.

I’d love to know how many of those going on their winter sun holidays are on PUP?

That can be reported on without a reporter going in. The INMO are trying to raise this issue with weeks. Small improvements there could make an enormous difference to the fatality rate of the virus

oooooooh… you want personally tailored news reporting. that’s a realistic expectation.

so it’s RTE’s fault this is happening or isn’t happening?