The 2 Johnnies Appreciation Thread

Unfair to be throwing out incorrect names like that in fairness.

So one of the benefit of being an intercounty player is you will be going out with a person that doesnt exist


@Bandage was doing a bit of detective work.


Mental stuff.

Who’s football Paul?

Has to be that Tipp footballer.

So you are saying @Fat_Pox is in on it?
Fat Pox = FP. Footballer Paul = FP.
Fat Pox = Footballer Paul. Tipp man. Living in Dublin. Tick Tick

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Hiding in plain sight

Paul Collins.

Funnily enough there’s a girl called Cora O’Donovan from Askeaton area. Unusual enough name to make up.

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Even the Tipperary catfish wish they were from Limerick

I’m typing the next 2 chapters.

Mother of god.

This could break the internet.


Chapter 7

To begin with, the Intercounty footballer that Nikki claimed to be going out with will now be known as Paul.

Lauren Guilfoyle enters the game.

After the recent live show in the 3 arena, Lauren approached Johnny B.back in 2019 Lauren had received a screenshot from her friend who is an Intercounty footballer. I have posted the screenshot above. Emma Mc Carron is the name of the girl who posted the photo.

Lauren messaged Emma asking what was the story with the post and she got a reply back. Emma said Lauren was a disgrace only working in the GAA so she could get off with loads of lads. Lauren asked her Intercounty friend (who sent the photo to her) about Emma. Turns out Emma was a nurse from Monaghan living in Dublin who supposedly is going out with an Intercounty footballer. Emma had a photo of herself and the footballer on her Instagram. The 2 Johns asked Lauren who the footballer was. Sure enough it’s the same footballer Paul.

Ger who is also an Intercounty footballer enters the game. He sent the 2 Johns a DM and back in 2019 once his county were knocked out he went to America to play for a club over there. Ger was travelling with a lad from another county. Brian.

A few weeks before they were due to fly out, Brian tells Ger he had got a few messages from a stunner. Named Cora O Donovan. Ger doesn’t think much of it until a few days before they’re due to leave and a Emma Mc Carron sends him a DM. Emma says “You’re friend is messaging my friend, and you’re heading to America for the summer, myself and Cora are heading to the same city. We should meet up.” Ger agrees to meet up and they chat away and The 2 lads arrive in America. Footballer Paul is also in the same city playing for the same club that summer. Ger and Brian meet Paul. Paul says he knows Emma from back in Ireland and Emma and Cora are great craic.

Cora’s Instagram shows she’s in America and has photos of Paul playing matches. Photos of the pitch/ Ger, Brian and the team mates. Worth noting that Cora didn’t introduce herself to the lads on match day.

Emma is back in Ireland and between herself and Cora introduce Nikki to the 3 lads via Instagram messages. The lads are losing patience now. After a few weeks and no meet-up, they(Ger and Brian) stopped messaging the girls. Paul says he is now going out with Emma McCarron who is back in Ireland. Shortly after this reveal of sorts, the club offer to fly out the girlfriends to America for the last week. Paul says he’ll be bringing Emma McCarron out and both Ger and Brian are keen to meet her as they think she isn’t real at all. Ger sent Emma a message saying she was a catfish but Emma denied.

Naturally when booking flights you need passport details, the deadline to hand in the passport details for the girlfriends had arrived and Paul hadn’t given in Emma’s yet. Then Paul says Emma couldn’t make it out. He said Emma had been receiving messages from Ger and Brian and the stress of it all had caused Emma to slip into a diabetic coma. Paul was distraught and Ger and Brian decide to step away from the situation.

Shortly after Ger arrives back in Ireland, he goes to EP and he says he got chatting to a nice girl. They exchange Insta handles and add each other. Within 5 minutes the girl received messages from Emma McCarron, Cora O Donovan and Nikki. All saying to stay away from Ger. He has a girlfriend. Footballer Paul also sent him a message asking who’s this new young one and continued to defend Cora and Emma. The girl continued to her abusive message from the 3 girls and despite Ger pleading his innocence they go their separate ways.

Ger is staring college in Dublin the following week. He walks into a lecture hall and sees a familiar face. The penny drops, it’s Nikki. She’s sitting in his lecture hall. He avoids her and heads to the college secretary. There is no record of Nikki being a registered student at that college. Nikki does not go to college there. The sirens klaxon.

The next day Ger is on his way to a lecture when he sees Nikki again. She walks up to him and says “Hi Ger, remember me? I’m Nikki, Emma’s best friend”

Ger is caught on the hop, he blanked her and bolted. Eventually he moved back home and then blocked Emma, Cora and Nikki and never heard from them again.

The following year Ger is playing Allianz League with his county and was drawn to play against the home county of footballer Paul. Ger gets chatting to the lads he was marking he tells Ger that Paul had told him to give him plenty abuse because you used to go out with Emma and now Paul has stolen her from you…

Ger was doubting himself. Either Emma is actually real or Paul is having the wool pulled over his eyes.

Chapter 8

Hannah Ferguson enters the game. After last weeks part 1 a very famous footballer Colm contacts Johnny B and they spoke on the phone. In 2018, Colm went to England for College with some lads from Armagh. One of the lads had been chatting to some bird from Armagh called Hannah Ferguson and she’s over in the same city studying nursing. She’s slow to give the friend her number but eventually does. They go to meet for a first date but Hannah is sick and has to cancel. On the 2nd date she had been called in to work and on the 3rd death is cancelled due to the death of Hannah’s father. On Instagram Hannah posted photos of her and her father on her story.

A few weeks later the lads are on a night out. Hannah says she’s in some place up the road. The lads head up the road for a gawk at Hannah. They lads waited 20 minutes inside for her but no luck.

They try to FaceTime her once they get home but she’s not picking up. Colm’s points out she won’t know his number so he dials Hannah off his phone. She does answer but doesn’t show her face. It’s late and she has no make up. The Armagh lads suspect she’s a catfish. A year later and Colm is back in Ireland and is in some town. He stops for a coffee and he meets a few girls he knew from his college days and gets chatting away to them.

One of them says “So how’s Nikki?” To which Colm replies with “Who’s Nikki?” The girls don’t know what to say. As Colm goes to leave one of the girls calls his back and asks him to sit down. The girls say that they work with Nikki who is claiming to be going out with Colm for the previous 3 months. They show him photos of Nikki but he hasn’t seen her before. They give him Nikkis number and enters the digits into his phone. Who comes up? Hannah Ferguson! He tells the girls about the Hannah Ferguson story. Nikki has videos of Colm on her Instagram playing club matches in rural pitches and they’d have captions such was “When bae scores a free”. There’s also videos of what is the back of a man’s head which she claims to be Colm driving her around and a video of the back of a man’s bed in bed with the caption, Colm loves tickles.

Colm tells Johnny B about the time he and a few lads went to a match at Anfield. They go to an Subway before the match for a bit of food. The girls showed him Nikkis Instagram account at that time and it had a photo of Colm taking a bite out of a sandwich on that day in Liverpool with a caption slagging him for eating too fast. Colm says he and his friends had their location on Snapchat that day and that’s how he reckons Nikki had followed him around.

The following week Colm heard on the grapevine that Nikki was telling people in work that she and Colm were going away for a dirty weekend. The Monday after said weekend Nikki was telling work colleagues she had to get the morning after pill.

When Colm heard this he sought legal advice and wrote a letter. He goes to Nikkis workplace. The receptionist greets him with “How’re you Colm? Are ya hear to meet Nikki?” He says I am. Send her out.

The receptionist comments on his lack of chocolates and/or flowers compared to previous weeks. “That lovely big bunch of flowers you sent Nikki last week were very cute” Colm is speechless.

The receptionist calls Nikki and says Colm is here for you.

“Colm who?” says Nikki

“Colm your boyfriend”

Silence. Nikki is nowhere to be found. After 30 minutes of waiting, Colm hands the letter the the receptionist and asks her to ensure that Nikki gets it. The letter details the lies from Nikki and a request from Colm to stop. If it were to stop now Colm would leave it be. He included his email and a deadline of 6pm on Sunday to confirm she understood and would agree to stop. At 5:45pm on the Sunday an unknown email address sends him an email “ This will now stop”

A week later Nikki’s boss calls Colm. “Hi Colm, sorry to ring you but could you please leave relationship problems at home” Colm tells the boss the full story and the contract for her job isn’t renewed. This was the last Colm heard of Nikki until part 1 last week. When Colm and his friends discussed part 1 , he told them his story, a few of the lads also came forward to say they had been catfished also by Nikki under the accounts of Emma Mc Carron. Hannah’s Ferguson and Britney Mc Inerney.

More to follow….


By god

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The johnnies are on a winner. HBO will be calling


This has Netflix 10 parter written all over it


Am I right in thinking that Footballer Paul has to have knowledge that a catfish is going on?

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Can footballer Paul hit a few long range frees?


Have you met her or are ye just online penpals


Jesus. I thought this was going to be a straightforward catfish. It’s an epic. Wonderful stuff @Copper_pipe.