The 32nd Dáil Eireann


Fitzgerald will resign and say she is protecting the Government from big bad Fianna Fail.

She is over retirement age anyway. She’ll get her ministerial pension, Fine Gael keep power and Fianna Fail get the upper hand in the power battle letting Leo know that they can pull the government at any time.

Newspapers sell.

We go to the pub to talk about it.

Everyone’s a winner.


RTE might have to reschedule Willy Wonka

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That may happen, but if there’s going to be an election soon anyway, Fine Gael, from their own point of view, might well feel that they’d be as well to go for it now. or have it forced by Fianna Fail.

If Fitzgerald resigns, that’s one justice minister and a former justice minister who is now Tanaiste forced to resign over McCabe.

There’s also the further prospect of the current justice minister possibly having to resign or be sacked.

You get ridiculously defensive and aggressive when you are corrected. Coming back with curses and name-calling is childish. Grow up, stop making a fool of yourself, you’re better than this.

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FAO of @caoimhaoin

6/1 FF FG . Doubt much change from last time bar two main parties picking up few independent seats

Speaking of Independents, where are they?

Who fucking knows

I’d say FG will be watching the tone of the weekend papers, i.e. where the blame is being laid and then assess it. A clear effort already on all sides to blame the others for causing an election.

Dáil Bar I’d wager.

Still carrying on

This is a political discussion.

Not a political correctiveness one

No but you drove it down that road by going off on one rather than just correcting yourself and moving on.

Your bumboy friend needs a hand here.

Can you help?

Mbb just oooooffffffttttttttted the shit out of him. He oooooooofffffffttttttt him so hard he’s in West Clare i’d say.


Why because i didn’t fit into your little paradise?

Now piss off. I’m busy reading about the fucktards we have running the country.

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Kev I’m not part of any group here. I just pointed out that it’s not acceptablectobuse that term in a derogatory or insulting manner.

If you can’t see why then I worry for you.


Its nice someone worries for me i suppose. Everyone that knows me gave that lark up a long time ago.

No because using someone’s physical or mental handicap as a term of insult is wrong on every level and in every society.



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I agree that the email adds little, but at least the mainstream media are now mentioning it, which may lead people to read into the background, and into just what was done by the organs of the state to an employee who, quite rightly, raised concerns about corruption in perhaps the most important official arm of the state.
The email is a canary for just how high this runs, though, in many ways, the most venal people are those who, on a personal level, altered or allowed to be altered the records to smear mccabe as a paedophile.
He has immense courage. It would have broken most, just as intended.