The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

You are the one bigging them up, I challenged you on it and you’re choosing to take your ball and run home. Fair enough, thats your choice to make.

Im on record somewhere in here fellow Paddy that i think we make a hames of building to world cups and should make that our primary focus from grassroots up.

If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. These fellas have done fuck all yet, dont be telling them otherwise.

Ah shir, if wevce never done it with what we had, we never well. lets just shit on a generation of them coming through so.

Zen my hole. Your bittnerness is palpable and bigger fool me letting it stir me.

My zen gives me a clarity you simply couldnt hope to achieve, it is why I am trying to help you. You dont shit on a fellow human being, but nor should you fill his hole with notions when it is solely to be used for aforementioned shit.

Or soggy biscuits.

Cunt shows how oirish he is. Robbed an Irish lad of a spot for years and fucks off back home to South Africa at the first opportunity.

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Its been established on here this morning that this was not the first opportunity.

Was too.

Clearly wasn’t.


Leinster have played 41 different teams in the ‘European Cup’ and beaten all but two.

Munster have faced 38 and failed to beat only one.

Fair play to the referee for putting them out of their misery, a few fellas there were genuinely about to die


Last Gloucester possession butchered a try

Props and second rows hiding everywhere.

Interesting to see how this goes

Have you noticed how Kinsella describes absolutely everything as “fascinating”? It sickens my hole.


Murray Kinsella is a massive Fanny

If it didn’t work out for Naas Botha at the Dallas Cowboys it’s difficult to see how it could work out for this chump.


Apparently he’s got an absolute rocket of a boot. Hope it goes well.

Remember the time ROG was linked to the miami dolphins?