The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

I finally agree with something you have said. Its been a massive issue for years. The IRFU also giving central contracts to players past their peak when there is better younger players behind them has cost us a lot when it mattered RWC QFs


Earls getting another year just because itā€™s coming up to a WC is a joke, heā€™s nearly 35 great player but his time is up

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Shouldnt have been given one after the last RWC. Either should have sexton. Best was the only exception over the last 15 years by my count who had a decent world cup after dragging out a career to another RWC

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Imagine if Crowley was in La Rochelle for the last two years.

Thatā€™s what Is catching Ireland out.

He didnā€™t show much ambition

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He had the chance to go and be tutored by ROG what was the worst that could happen? Absolute madness turning it down. Was no way he was gonna be getting more chances at munster who you correctly said donā€™t give enough time to young talentā€¦ And he has plenty talent

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No system isnā€™t allowing him or encouraging him to leave.

Itā€™s nothing to do with a players ambition.

Who actually owns the aviva ? I heard from a lad that they nearly own all the houses behind the shit end.

Would they have the money to make a proper stadium out of it? Is there even a will to do it? And was the stadium built with the idea of expanding it? It looks fairly finished to me.

They own fuckall of those houses from my understanding

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I could have been sold a complete pup tbf Iā€™d know nothing about it.

Owned by irfu but leased long term to a company owned 50 50 by irfu and fai

Yes one tenant would anyway

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The Aviva is a grand stadium. Needs no more done to it.

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I think they own a few but have defo heard from locals that thereā€™s no hope theyā€™ll buy enough to add another tier to the small end. Those homeowners are not short a few bob either.

Was their any blue print what a fully finished stadium would look like?

Iā€™m sure there was. Planning issues around bkocking light to those other houses was the problem. If say the shit end designed to be easily changed


When they redevelop it again they should turn the pitch 90 degrees and have it on a North South axis rather than east west. They could take that 5g pitch and do that. Every big stadium in this country is built on a fucking east west axis which means they are all wind tunnels and games are inordinately affected by the wind.

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Its so shit, its iconic in a way.

Before the Denmark play off all those years ago, George Hamilton goes 'The Havelock Square End is a Sea of Red. The rest, is all Green".


I heard they were slowly trying to buy the houses. Itā€™ll take quite some time and money youā€™d imagine no guarantee theyā€™d get planning either. Theyā€™d be better served bringing the big games to croker once the sponsorship deal is up, provided the figures work