The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Donnacha O’Callaghan you’re throwing in as a measure alongside BOD?

they won a 20s grand slams, nothing the 3 mentioned did at the same age

Keith Earls 20s team the only other irish 20s team to do the grand slam iirc

Who said that?

And lost. So they’re like Jamie Heaslips generation.

DOC and BOD won an U19 RWC

I think we’ve less stellar standout players like a BOD , Sexton, O’Gara but we’ve more depth than we’ve ever had coming through. That bodes well for further success of the team.

But whose at helm plays a massive role and jury very much out on Farrell being the man to make hay.

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So they won an U20 6 Nations. Woopidoo. Done previously.

Strength in depth me hole

Dismissive of winning grand slams?

But, take your own approach to it- “woopdidoo”. Would be unthinkable to have that approach in generations previous. The success of last 20 odd years has built to the point these younger guys likely and perhaps hopefully adopt same ‘woopdidoo’ approach to grand slam with with world cup success the only measure

Yeah, Ill own view versus a article tbh. Welcome tomyour position dismissing them before they’ve even reached the level but I for one hold hope. Shame on me huh?

Typical Paddy, insular as always. Bigging up an underage win against the neighbours, and not concentrating on the big picture of the RWC.

These lads will always be able to look back on their underage Grand Slam when they’re not getting out of the Group at the RWC though, so thats nice.

You are the one bigging them up, I challenged you on it and you’re choosing to take your ball and run home. Fair enough, thats your choice to make.

Im on record somewhere in here fellow Paddy that i think we make a hames of building to world cups and should make that our primary focus from grassroots up.

If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. These fellas have done fuck all yet, dont be telling them otherwise.

Ah shir, if wevce never done it with what we had, we never well. lets just shit on a generation of them coming through so.

Zen my hole. Your bittnerness is palpable and bigger fool me letting it stir me.

My zen gives me a clarity you simply couldnt hope to achieve, it is why I am trying to help you. You dont shit on a fellow human being, but nor should you fill his hole with notions when it is solely to be used for aforementioned shit.

Or soggy biscuits.

Cunt shows how oirish he is. Robbed an Irish lad of a spot for years and fucks off back home to South Africa at the first opportunity.

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Its been established on here this morning that this was not the first opportunity.

Was too.

Clearly wasn’t.