The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

You seem to be deflecting mate

The only time Iā€™ve ever seen a banana thrown at a black player was in a rugby stadium

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Mate, you donā€™t need to protect rugby racists.

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Where were you ever in a rugby match?

Surprised youā€™d waste the banana

Rugby and racism go hand in hand. Society needs to bin both

Iā€™ve been to loads of rugby matches.

Are you calling @TreatyStones a racist? In an effort to protect real racists in rugby?

Really? Treatystones is a lot of things, a prick, a smart Alec, a shortarse, a racist, but he is not a racist.

Freudian slip? Picking on teachers to calling people racist. Full of the Christmas cheer you.

Hope Santa brings a new spoon for you as your recent attempts at shit stirring becoming witlessly lame

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Says me man with NFL moniker?!

He took it better than the rugby player anyway

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Disgusting bit of racism in Italy I wonder was it one of their SA contingent


Simpsons Thats The Joke GIF

The racists are circling the hanging tree here

Definitely in your top 3.

Stick to the bile, youā€™ve a more natural flair for it than humour

Why so much hate in your heart? Canā€™t you see weā€™re all just people? We may have different interests and skin colour but surely you can just live and let live?

Jaysus I scratched an itch here.


Im highly offended

Thatā€™s pretty rich from a man intent on fucking with another manā€™s head simply as a personal pursuit and past time at this time of the year.

You can be a very good poster. But a cunt of a human.

More hate. Itā€™s disappointing to see. Iā€™m not messing with your head, merely wondering why youā€™re defending racism.