The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

@gilgamboa I see Finn Russell is going to get a million a year off Bath.

The English clubs don’t seem to be learning their lesson do they?

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I didn’t say mine

I’m saying it’s far more endemic and serious an issue while you attempt to trivialise it to just one example.

Have at it pal, obviously helps distracts from self-reflection. Kick the can on a while more


The NFL is 75% black mate.

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So’s Africa. And the NBA.

What has this got to do with rugby’s racism problem?

It doesn’t.

Obviously Italian rugby has racism. How did your NFL lads eradicate it?

75% black you say so that suggests they’ve it solved?

Stop deflecting. Big rugby’s first response to this is always “but what about the other sports”

Oh, its a problem. And others must have solved.

Enlighten. Share. We need the expert view. Teach how your 75% black solved it.

What percentage was it solved at, nice figure to work towards?

Souness tried to end racism by bringing Mark Walters to Ibrox but the Glasgow Hoops fans pelted bananas at him and here we are 35 years later still talking about racism. Smh

This is a rugby thread mate. I just wish your first response to racism wouldn’t be to deflect

Racism is cured. An Irish expert of NFL race relations is about to outline how this magnificent achievement was attained.

Ok, no more deflection. How did your NFL comp eradicate it?

Spread the good word

Where did I say they did? You brought the NFL into this.

What relavance was your 75% of them are black in the conversation? What was that answer to? Are you saying because a majority are black, it ended racism?

All that aside please, for the betterment of Italian rugby, lead the way. Show how ye did it. Even just the three most pivotal ones you personally are proud to say were key?

This is deflection on a serious scale

We recognise the problem. You claim the NFL found the answer.

Please share or you prefer racism continue in rugby?

I made no such claim.

Must have misconstrued what made that relevant so.

Please expand

Expand on what you misconstrued?

Take it to the NFL thread guys