The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Yeah? Whatā€™s that mean in context of the discussion?

Iā€™m here to learn, not pour shit. Teach. Floor is yours

Rugby can learn from this 75% black sport, a clearly key criteria in eradicating racism. Italian rugby needs lessons. This man had them- impressive stats to start and now hopefully heā€™ll share other key proponents

Whose head am I messing with?!!

But the NFL?!!!

Not in the slghtest. Bath have a wealthy sugar daddy alright so prob in a better position than most but not sure how they will make this work in the salary cap etcā€¦

Russell is also as useful as tits on a bull behind a poor pack so if they blow the budget on him not sure what will be left to bolster the pack

Also, van Graanā€¦ His gameplan with munster was miles off what would get the best of russellā€¦

Seems like a bizarre signing

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Awesome. Further proof it needs trackling. Itā€™s a scourge that needs stamping out

Solutions incoming here now. 75% black pro sport has the answers. We can fix this lads.

And to think for a minute I thought lads were using racism as a tool for mocking a sport they donā€™t like?

Misguided me. Iā€™m here to learn.

List themā€¦

Please stop trying to limit the conversation to Italian rugby however and weā€™ll be fine here.

75% black lads in player ranks you brought up. Why?

Anything is fair game to have a pop at the Rubby around here. You have lads slagging Sexton suffering from dementia and all sorts. Come the RWC they will be all rĆ” rĆ” rĆ” bandwagon time We are gonna do it

Your measured response on the racism evident in Rubby and other sports was far too nuanced for the usual suspects


Iā€™m not. Iā€™m recognising this disgusting problem originally cited and looking to learn from those who have working examples of how they stamped it out. A league of 75% black majority must have a tonne of solutions they can share?

You singled out Italian rugby on more than one occasion. If we keep our minds closed we canā€™t let the light in

Keep up pal

Cant speak on behalf of ā€œbig rugbyā€ but, yeah, I am saying what about other sports? How have they it solved? Help us by sharing how your 75% black sport stamped it out. Teach us, correct us. We want rid of this horrible issue and clearly as youā€™ve 75% black lads filling the ranks, youā€™ve managed to suffocate and stifle the horrible racism issue.

Share your wisdom so we can all learn.

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World class deflection here

Recognising itā€™s a problem we need help with is deflection? Iā€™d say its the opposite.

Now youā€™d hardly use racism in a trivial manner, would you,? So teach us.

Awful to see certain posters try to ascribe a societal problem to just one section of that society. Really downplaying the scourge of racism.

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Heā€™s not though. He wouldnā€™t do that. A man who works day in and day out with all creeds and has black participation statistics rolling off his tongue. He knows this important, transcending sport

Heā€™s going to share best ways of tackling this scourge. Iā€™m sure he is. NFL a bastion we can learn from.

Go ahead

Are you really?

According to the article I read each club is allowed one Marquee player who they can pay what they want.

Ā£5m cap for the rest then. Seems like it might not be great for morale to have one lad making 5 times the average of everyone else