The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Rubby clubs throwing out money like they are soccer clubs, who would have thought it. Soccer is unstainable itself in the main but rubby has no where near the same popularity in the world let alone england.

London Scottish

All of them. I doubt thereā€™s any commercially viable as things stand.

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Maybe Exeter, last time i looked they worked on a decent model. Bath, Sarries, Sale and London Irish cant be sustainable. Leicester and Northampton are probably running way beyond their means to compete but could revert if other clubs were brought in. A FFP system like uefa want (but doesnt work) could help save these clubs but player salaries are at mad levels.

They have a salary cap that they keep wanting to raise despite not being able to pay those levels. The whole thing is rotten to the core

Theyā€™re hardly throwing money out like soccer clubs but the warning bells should have gone off when certain owners professed to want to run things like the Premier League.

The NFL only rally became a good investment 20 years ago. Before then it was family money and a plaything.

The Premier League only viable 10-15 years ago.

Basically anything English Premiership owners request should be viewed with deep scepticism. They already severely damaged the Heineken Cup.

The likes of Leicester are pretty sustainable. Some years up, some down.

Even in Ireland we have Connacht looking to build a 12k seater when they might only sell out an 8k capacity twice a year. They also donā€™t have the big financial backers like McIlroy, Denis Oā€™Brien or whoever the Munster rubby sugardaddy is. Think the amount of expansion could be a mistake.

Itā€™s only a small stretch. Leinster survived paying down Donnybrook when there was no use for it.

So long as it isnā€™t a white elephant like Thomond, it will be grand.

That said, we need municipal stadiums and ground shares in Ireland.

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Not throwing the same but with the same similarities in scale. Its madness that you can think its sustainable if its your money your pouring into a sinkhole.

Yeah i think the same, they are on the borderline but would benefit if there was more controls on spending in line with income. In fairness the IRFU are doing a similar process with finances, a good model but stretching to keep the top players here

Northampton have also been historically profitable.

The Premiership will never be fully sustainable though while you have a few sugar daddies willing to subsidise spending.

The IRFU model works. In response Premiership rugby and their supporters mostly want to bring it back to their level.

Its the sugerdaddys and egos are the issue. The supporters are greatly affected. Some of the owners are despicable. Trying to complete with the french clubs that have the same issue.

The main complaint about Thomond when it was built was that it was too small.

Also in the Connaught case Iā€™d say the difference between building an 8k or 12k stadium is pretty small.

French clubs are more sustainable. Thereā€™s more tv money there.

The sugar daddies are indeed the issue but the RFU are also hugely to blame. They should have been buying back the clubs for years.

Agreed. The french are sustainable to a point, if they didnt have the owners and a more level field yes but at the lower end of the top 14 down clubs are going broke annually, failing to pay players, often missing salary dates.

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The RFU couldnā€™t afford them.


You wouldnā€™t buikd a haybarn nowadays for what thomond cost


I somehow suspect Peter Brown does not vote for the SNP.
