The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

You were Scotlandā€™s biggest fan for years when they were shit and youā€™ve deserted them now at the first sign of any green shoots :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ireland have a 2 week break effectively between SA and Scotland gameā€¦will be a big help

New zealand and france play each other first then have a month off before the quarterfinalsā€¦ id rather that route than your big 2 last.

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So would I but at least you have a week off between them

You were left deeply unimpressed by the absolute belting, bossing and bullying they meted out on the ABā€™s Friday night?

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I wouldnā€™t read much into these games as much as the games played over the last few years.

Like before every World Cup you see very surprising events that donā€™t work out.

I thought South Africa were very poor last autumn and again v New Zealand at the start of the summer.

Maybe theyā€™ve timed their run but I donā€™t believe so.

Theyā€™ve shown they may have held their cards close until now as,for first time I can recall, they had their monster forwards playing the pass out of contact/tackle multiple times in same phase and were brilliant at it.

If thatā€™s been honed as we saw signs of fri and added to their physical advantage they hold over all others, theyre going to destroy teams.

If they go with that strategy but it isnā€™t working, you could see then the lack of 10 will be their downfall

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Thatā€™ll be a very interesting game the first weekend. Has a bit more riding on it than France v New Zealand or England v Argentina. Although maybe Japan might fancy their chances in the latter pool.

Sexton is 38 too. Even worse than you feared.

We wonā€™t have played great if we lose to Scotland. Although you could argue that we played well in patches against them in defeat in 2010 and 2017 strangely enough. Paddy Jackson gave his greatest performance in an Irish jersey in the 2017 game. But assuming our bus isnā€™t late this time then there are no excuses for losing to the Scots. We werenā€™t good at the 2019 World Cup and still managed to beat Gregor and Co. comfortably.


I used to love Morgan parra and trinc duc.

Why parra? Mouthy, arrogant little prick who detested Munster and Ireland. Fine player but prize wanker.

Dusuitior was the Frenchman I was most fond of around then. Quiet spoken, he seemed a bit shy in interviews. Heā€™d then proceed to the pitch where heā€™d cut you clean in half. A hard as nails gent. Should have gotten a World Player.


The excuses are being locked and loaded for the lads

Disgusting level of climate damage going to be done here. No way should they be let fill the stadium with oil

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Harinordaquy and Michalak were probably my favourites. Albeit both were a few years older than Dusatoir. Vincent Clerc used to love the sight of an Irish jersey. Prolific against us.

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I remember being seriously ill in hospital around 06 or 07. He scored a cluster fuck of a try in croker to win a game against us.

The hospital was carnage at the time so I ended up in the ent ward in a room on my own. Two junior doctors sat in my room and watched the game with me.

Yeah that was 2007. The first rugby game in Croker. Clerc snuck in at the end to snatch the victory. Cost us a Grand Slam that season.

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The French have produced some great characters too. Damian Traille was a great fella too and juazion as well.

Remember Benoit baby too who never fulfilled his potential. Absolutely ripped o Driscoll apart one day in the old landsdowne.

Chabal was a show pony compared to hardinordaquy but good fun.

That Fabian Pelous was a fair detail along with the likes of Raphael Ibanez.

Dominici rip was another great French flair player.

hardinordaquy runs a very scenic bar on the cliffs in Biarritz. Unreal spot. Hes a fuckimg monster of a man

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Michalak was a bag of shite.