The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Not so sure rugby is that popular. The crowds at provencial and club level arenā€™t great. This was a World Cup quarter-final and a good one to be seen at. The bandwagon brigade will travel for such events.

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Iā€™m confused - I thought their issue was that rugby was only for bandwagon supporters who were along for the session and had no real interest or commitment to the team :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s a bizarre reaction.

I think the Irish rugby team are seriously popular. People mightnā€™t have much interest when they are not involved but are seriously interested when they are involved.

Like If thereā€™s no English clubs in the champions league final nobody cares in Ireland. If Liverpool or man United are then the pubs are full.

I think club rugby is popular enough but they went the gaa route a few years ago with too many games and silly formats.

Iā€™ll never forget the 2017 All Ireland final, Rock kicks the winning score and the camera cuts to the crowd where some Mayo woman mid 20ā€™s notices the camera and cheers. In injury time of an All Ireland and just lost with that kick :joy:.
These people i.e. Mayo women personify the Irish bandwagon and rugby in general. Sheā€™d have shared it on social media too


There wouldnā€™t be any bandwagon element to the Dublin football support at all of course.


Not that class of cunt pal

I think anti-rubby definitely peaked last Saturday. A breakthrough win predicted by all and sundry, the hype machine in overdrive, minimal injuries and a kiwi side supposedly on the decline. Even as a proper rubby man myself I could understand the immense smugness of seeing Kelleher butcher a winning play.

But sadly the underage system is producing serious players, the much maligned foreign import rule is stricter, provided they donā€™t shit the togs in the next two seasons they should still be top 4 seeds for 2027 and most of all big unions like Australia/England/Wales are in huge trouble be it financial or admin. Itā€™s very possible opposing countries will have to make serious cutbacks that will impact even their cash cows of senior sides.

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Saw several Mayo folk in floods of tears on my way out of the same game.

Ireland lost one game of consequence, and arenā€™t.
Such is life.

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The only hope for the anti rubby union is that the sport as a professional entity will topple. Its a case of when and not because of how ireland runs the game. We are the expectation

Are you the fella who dresses up as Molly Malone?

Long live the glory years

Because I think itā€™s dripping with falseness. Itā€™s the the type of thing people think they are supposed to say.

Jesus, thatā€™s proven now it is by that little anecdote?!

The boys with the knives sharpened really do spend too much time thinking too hard on all of this. Gas to see.

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Let it all out pal

What are you going on about?! Youā€™re falling between 2 chairs all week. You canā€™t miss out on the opportunity of a good circle jerk.

Thatā€™s it, let the healing begin.

This was really Irelandā€™s last chance to break the quarter final ceiling.

By the time the next tournament comes around there will be only 4 teams taking it anyway serious. The game is as good as dead in Wales, Scotland and Australia. Clubs seem to be folding in England.

Failure to make the semi finals in 2027 will be the equivalent of not making it out of the group in previous tournaments.

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The meltdown continues.