The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Iā€™m not sure a lot of those places are ideal towns for an international event.

France basically played every decent game in the stade de France.

Yeah they did, because they offered so much money for it.

In practical terms you are looking at 5 stadiums of decent scale there. Iā€™d expect the Aviva would get its end redone to bring it to 65k along with a Northern stadium of 50k being brought through.

Youā€™d have been taking a hit of probably 200k in overall attendances vs. France but that really isnā€™t insurmountable (maybe ā‚¬10m-ā‚¬15m) to be underwritten by 4 governments.

Another point is that the hotels demand wouldnā€™t be as high because youā€™d have three of the big ticket countries playing at home.

PUC wasnt upto the media spec for the last bid.

Semple will need a massive overhaul. Casment will be able if its ready for 2028 euros. Mchale park will also need magor updates. Thomand park will need some updates, particularly the older terrances, Add in croke, lansdown road.

Nah. There is no demand to do the kind of redevelopment needed to those stadiums and theyā€™d be long term white elephants.

Semple will always be in demand but needs a major update. Machale park was upgraded recently but that was just the main stand, the other 3 are just concrete blocks to sit on

They are in demand for a few games a year.

There isnā€™t the number of games to justify the level of investment needed to bring them up to RWC or Euros standard.

Ireland is too small for a RWC event and it a mile from having an integrated stadium policy.

I would say we could get to max 8 stadiums of 30k capacity + with good enough facilities.

If you were being logical on Irelandā€™s stadium needs and what we have in place;

  • Aviva
  • Croke Park
  • Thomond
  • PuC (look to get this to 50k in time)
  • Galway municipal stadium (30k-40k): could handle 3-4 Connacht games a year, GGA games, some marquee football games being brought
  • Belfast Municipal stadium: as above except 50k
  • Semple Stadium: 30k. Covers the south east of the country (ideally youā€™d like it further east)
  • Dublin West municipal stadium (30k)

Thatā€™s most of what the government should invest in really. Overtime a midlands stadium and north west stadium of 30k-40k as populations allow.

The above wouldnā€™t be good enough for a RWC.

Oā€™Moore Park is the obvious choice in the East Midlands and has been specā€™ed out once or twice for same

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Replace Semple Stadium with Nowlan Park under that plan.

Would Belfast actually need anything near a 50k stadium other than for imported matches?

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We need loads of all seater 50k capacity stadiums for when the giants of rubby like Namibia and Portugal collide


I think a region the size of NI/Ulster could support it.

I fully believe that we need to be taking 2 rugby internationals out of Dublin in the long term. Ideally one to Belfast and one to the rest of Ireland.

Iā€™d assume GGA games could fill up a few.

Add in an Ulster rugby game or two a year.

The only reason I went for Semple is because of the Munster stick fighting championship.

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Thomond and PƔirc na nGael would need to be amalgamated into a 35-40k mooonicipal stadium. It would hurt a few lads on here bad but the fellas with the long view can see it.

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For the midlands?

I think ideally you get a Dublin West stadium on the border of Kildare or Meath. Something along either DART South West or DART West.

Pretty sure they starting into an upgrade program in Croke Park shortly.

Itā€™s been rumoured and is dreadfully badly needed

Is that the name of Limerickā€™s hurling ground?

Iā€™m assuming Thomond is too small for the GGA?

At the end of the day there is two top class stands in Thomond. It has a 26k capacity so if you are looking at further investment, thatā€™s where it would go. You can get it to 30k handy.

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I said this a while ago but the likes of @TheUlteriorMotive wouldnā€™t listen.

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Pitch would be too small for GAA.

TUS Gaelic Grounds/OTnS PƔirc na nGael is in the middle of a boom at the moment, between the round robin games, potential Munster Finals, AI Hurling Quarters/Football qualifiers and a couple of solid league games you probably get 6-8 decent crowds a year there. Was four 30k+ crowds over 8 weeks there this summer. JP will have to do it up.

Yeah but comes down to the need for incremental investment.

Two of the quarters were in the Stade Velodrome which is a magnificent stadium.

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