The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

All professional sports people in Ireland get that tax incentive. Working well across the board.

What doesn’t make any sense are amateur hobbyists getting paid by the State.


Bundee fell out with Willie Ruane this time last year over contract renegotiations and Nucifora got involved to cool things down. Connacht weren’t going to be able to fork out Central Contract money for Bundee but that’s clearly been resolved now. I know from chatting to a few folks in the branch that Racing had an offer in but I hadn’t heard any Japanese sides being in discussions.

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I wouldn’t begrudge lads like Paul O’Donovan and Israel Olatunde getting their few bob, but CJ Stander collecting a cheque for €500k from the tax payers before heading home to South Africa doesn’t seem a sensible use of state funds.


Probably but his chances would be diminished not playing international rugby.


Elite athletes & Pro sportsmen deserve it

hurlers from leitrim & down for example shouldnt be paid to play



This is at odds with your stance on profitable MNCs getting tax write offs from the state.

You’ve no idea what his final amount was.

He brought a lot of commercial activity to the state.

It’s a proven winner.

What is?

Paid to play a hobby they can’t do abroad.

All the time interest in the GGA has continued to decline.

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Have you seen the commercial activity the amateur hobbyists bring to the State?


Very little money comes into the State. The game has failed utterly to commercialise outside the State.

No need to pay it either when they nowhere else to go.

If there were no amateur hobbyists playing it would create a huge hole in the economic activity of the Northside of Dublin and many towns and cities nationwide.

It was widely reported in the paper of record what the sum was, though I admit the transparency is much better when it comes to hobbyists like O’Donovan and Olatunde. I think you are suggesting that the extent to which the state subsidises professional sportspeople should be published by Revenue and I’d agree with you there.

You’d like to know how much of the lovely house on Palmerston Road that Drico and Hubes bought that we paid for?

Nope- they’d play any other hobby. There isn’t any justification for one hobbyist to get more than another.

Football is the most popular activity in Dublin and that along with other activities would take over if the GGA went away. If the GGA cannot sustain a grassroots game without thousands of them getting a grant then it really is in trouble.

The paper of record wouldn’t have a scooby doo but I await the detail.

no inward investment tbh

Zilch. They are using GGA Go to promote the NFL here.

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Would they play another hobby that 82,000 people would travel to the Northside of Dublin to see and fill out the pubs restaurants and hotels? Would they play a hobby that’s a unique part of our Irish heritage woven into our social and cultural fabric? Or would they play some generic international hobby that’s the sporting equivalent of a UK high street replicated all over the world?