The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Have we any other player who has come through as so much adversity as Hugo? Hard to replace

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Earls is probably as legit an athlete as you’d get in Irish team sports. Couldve done anything really.

Where’d you hear him interviewed?

At a corporate lunch last week.

His autobiography is worth a read as far as sports autobiographies go.

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Why were you so impressed by him what kind of stuff was he talking about? I met him and his aul doll Edel along long with all the Munster players and wags one night about 15 years ago. Pure normal young couple from Limerick at the time. Is she still with him I wonder. I ended up waltzing with world cup winner Jean van de Velde the same night.

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Still with her - spoke about her too.

He spoke about having/being bi-polar near the end of it. I just found him very honest and authentic about where he came from, his challenges and who he was.


I read recently he was glad to be out of the rugby - brain maxed 247 on it

His coffee business seems to be flying it.

This is it. Footballers even have a different fitness to hurlers. Nevermind to rugby players.

I’m always fascinated by American footballers. They spend all day sitting down, come on explode for 20 seconds, do that 5 or 6 times then sit down again and do nothing for a while. It’s a mad kind of fitness. You’d never see them stretching on the line or anything.

Basketball different again but they’d be the same sitting on the bench doing fuck all then play 20 mins non stop. Sit down again for a while and off they go again.

Ice Hockey is even more mental again. 60 seconds of all out. Off. Back on again flat to the mat. Off. I don’t know how they get into the game


80 times a season…serious athletes


Yeah. No break at all in basketball while playing. Savage fitness.

You’ve two fat crackers in Jokic and Doncic dominating basketball. It’s only a cod


They just strolling around hopping a ball.

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How long is the ball in play in rubby, about 30 odd minutes, at best? The lads look out on their feet when any play is extended beyond 60 seconds.

I used to play a bit of low level Sunday soccer and a couple of rubby lads played with us in their off season, serious specimens of men, one of them a prior underage Leinster player. They’d be begging to be swapped out after 20 minutes of play.

I’d guess Hugo’s fitness is in between a middling county team panel player. Nowhere near a Kyle Hayes or a Ciaran Kilkenny.


A lot of lads on here must have been bullied by lads who played rugby on here or something

You’re very defensive of a couple of home truths about the game, it’s just an observable reality they’d have middling aerobic fitness compared to other sports. I’d say I didn’t interact with an actual rubby player until I was about 22 and in general they’ve been gents to a man (not good runners obviously). I’d be far more worried about being bullied / physically assaulted by a Kyle Hayes for the temerity of tallking to someone he knows.


Watch Tipp last year. They played Limerick last year. Seven days later they could barely rise a ball v Waterford from tiredness.

Gaa players aren’t nearly as fit as people make out.

Ciaran Kilkenny waddles around the middle of croke park with oversized biceps hand passing the ball back and forth.

Hugo Keenan could probably beat him running backwards.

Sure a rubby man would be gasping for air after 10 minutes of playing that. Nevermind getting up for work in the morning and then playing again a few days later. Unreal actually by a bunch of amateurs