The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

I was going to leave him ramble on for another while thinking he’s smart.


You have enough to be at now trying to get your story straight with the dim fella about whether the Cayman Islands are a joke of an international team that a fella can rock up and play for or a ‘decent standard’, rather than to be bothering me with questions.

Stand up for the Ulster men stand up for the Ulster men

Tis you’re the lad brought up the world rankings :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

Ulster Ulster Ulster

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Big win for Richie Murphy.

Harry Byrne is fucking useless handed the game to Ulster

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Ya Ulster should have had two tries early doors but cocked up.

Leinster not overly focused but Harry Byrne is not the answer.

No rugby played for a fella of his age.

I did sure, after you laughing at the notion a fella playing for them was any sort of achievement. Now the dim fella is telling us it’s a decent standard and you are rowing in behind him, sure there is neither head nor tail to yer nonsense.
I mainly got involved to pass comment on a Cork man having tears in his eyes singing the national anthem of the Cayman Islands, but that was too subtle for most fellas.

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Find the post there where I said it was a decent standard like a good man?

The “dim fella” has you seething all the same

Take it up with the dim fella then rather than bothering me with silly questions

You’re all over the shop you misfortune

Sure you even gave a little like to his ‘decent standard’ post as well - has there been drink taken?

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I was endorsing his view on the shrinking of GGA

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Backtrack. You liked the ‘decent standard’ post and then get all bothered when I suggest you are rowing in behind that view. Chin up, there will be better days for ya.


The Derry loss has you flustered. You’re windmilling

History of biggest losses shows it’s a global game alright.

Mexico 105-7 Cayman Islands

Brazil 76–5 Mexico

Argentina 111 −0 Brazil

Argentina 43-20 Ireland



We’ve shipped heavier beatings than 23 points against Argentina in 2015.

Mexico are in the high 40s in the world rankings so they would be more ‘world class’ than ‘decent standard’.

I’ll defer to your better knowledge.

It’s no mean feat to play at an international level at any sport 5 years after taking it up. It’s a testament to the athleticism of GAA players and that rugby requires no skill.