The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Everything is contrived without homemade hats and tinfoil sandwiches.
The end

The “real” rubby fans will go and watch AIL stuff if it goes ahead anyhow. This massive bandwagon pulling into the hard shoulder with blown out tyres shouldn’t make any difference…
Maybe it will bring crowds, if possible, back to AIL games.

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Rugby football is dead.

It’s currently on life support but it’s not coming back to life.

The first major challenge, let’s see how this plays out Cotton

How do you think Glasgow Celtic will do without match day income?


Football is financially robust enough to survive this, it’s got genuine popularity and is an enjoying spectacle.

Rugby has none of these factors, it’s dead.

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Real rubby fans saw through the providential “clubs” years ago. Many a man/women who would be at their ail club games every week and wouldnt watch munster/leinster on the telly. Say what you want about the ailkados from the D4 clubs, as bad as they are, I’ve more respect for them than Munster supporter standing up and fighting

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Pro rugby’s ball is burst. It can be saved but players will need to expect more normal wages rather than the massive money top players are getting now. Cut your cloth.

“Football” does not mean Glasgow Celtic.

Rugby gets excellent tv Income from internationals which flows through, similar to how Celtic can get good income from European football.

Celtic are reliant on ticket income.

36% to be exact.

The value of broadcast rights will go down with empty stadiums.

You are in for a rude awaking over this if you think your British soccer club or choice or the game as a whole is immune.

The season only had 10 games to run, Tim.

As I said, Celtic will be fine but rugby football is dead.

What are you talking about?

You realise that they are postponing Leinster season tickets for next years.

Empty stadiums are being considered across the board in all sports.

Versus other European clubs, Celtic are disproportionately reliant on ticket income

In terms of the Scottish game as a whole it will be even worse.
Most clubs will simply not be able to field a team without match day income. Good luck getting any TV income then.

Celtic and the IRFU both have strong balance sheets but both are very reliant on ticket income. They are very similar. Both will burn through cash without match day income.


You don’t listen Tim.

Football is financially robust enough to survive this.

Rugby is not.

Edouard is worth €50m alone. Celtic are absolutely fine.

Rugby football is dead and you’re lashing out.


“Football” is not Glasgow Celtic.

You are hanging your hat on a transfer price in old money. It doesn’t matter if he is worth that money if there is no Scottish league left to look at.

43% of all income.

Scottish Premiership clubs earn a greater percentage of their income from ticket sales than any other top league in Europe, according to Uefa’s latest Club Licensing Benchmark report.

The Scottish league will be in deep do do without match day income and so too will Glasgow Celtic.

The clubs below the Championship in England have basically said they cannot function without it and will just burn through cash. Most of the Scottish league is at that tier.

Facts are unfortunate Fulvio.

In terms of long term damage, I see that the Bundesliga are now piping in noise to create a spectacle. I guess it’s better than people running it off YouTube themselves.

The leagues that can do okay out of this - the actual top tier ones like the EPL, will see erosion in broadcast revenue due to this. People won’t pay to watch empty stadiums…most of the spectacle (as is being discovered), is from the fans.

That’s a problem for all sports and to think football is immune is delusional. Glasgow Celtic and Scottish football though are a few steps worse off than the EPL.


I’m not hanging my hat on anything.

I’m basing it on the fact that football is financially robust enough to survive this. The game is an enjoyable spectacle, it has genuine popularity.

You are having serious issues with the fact rugby football is on life support and not coming back, your grief is making your lash out.

Keep putting your head in the sand so.

The EPL aren’t going to bail out Scottish football.

Enjoy the piped in crowd noise. :slightly_smiling_face:

‘If players refuse to take a pay cut then they will lose credibility’

Say what you want about Eddie but he is bang on here

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