The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

The fenians in Tyrone go crazy for it.

City of Derry are another club, never heard much about the members religious ordination but ill assume that as its Derry without the silent 6 letters, they would be nationalist leaning

The enclaves of North Tyrone are very protestant, places like Donemana.

I doubt it. Tbh, the rubby clubs never much bothered about any of that. Theirs is an inter club bigotry (ie you hate the next club over regardless of race, creed or colour)

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Must be awful to be still living in the 19th century all the same…

I suppose you’re right mate.

Thankfully we’re an open lot on here for the most part and protestants like @Locke and @Fran are embraced.

Indeed. Even their petty treacheries are forgiven and forgotten.

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I wouldnt say forgotten — but certainly forgiven.

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There used to be a City of Derry Cricket Club and there still is a City of Derry Golf Club, neither of which would have had much nationalist influence historically. Almost everyone up there referred to the city as Derry when the clubs were formed, the dispute over the name only arose again at the start of the Troubles.
Considering the size of the population rugby has hardly any presence in the city. Even the club facilities are terribly run down. Cricket is the big sport up there among unionists, rugby doesn’t really get a look in.

Thanks, I’m not well versed on the sports teams up that part of the country.

That is probably true although a man I know always said the Ken Goodall saga did awful damage .

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You’re missing nothing

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What saga? Quick Google brings up nothing for me.

He went to play rugby league and was ostracized by the rugby union people afterwards. It was around 1970 or so.

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Wouldn’t have thought that would have been that big a deal to cause a saga given League the only one paying at the time.

Think he wanted to come back to union after a couple of years but they wouldn’t let him play again.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy bringing sectarianism into this again

Northern nationalists just don’t play rugby.

Has there been an Irish senior international who went through the Catholic education system up north?

I don’t know, but nobody really gives a fuck about your sectarian headcount approach to life.