The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

How do you piss down a lads leg by accident?

Imagine what he would have done if he’d played soccer.

He’d probably be better at the art of Pissuprest whilst on a piss up.


Cracking game in store here. Sam cane pushes an Aussie lad into his New Zealand team mate.

The ref gives the Aussie a yellow.

Read before breakfast

Doesn’t he live in Killester?


Yes he does but Gerry Thornleys readership wouldn’t know where that is unless they’d fallen asleep on the Dart


Another kiwi ready to don the green jersey according to the Indo

Ireland had 5 different nationalities on the team last time they played

Gerry Thornley will be purring over the “x factor” that James Lowe brings

Ewan was counting the UK (partitionist) along with New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Tbf, he could have claimed Ultan Dillane as a Frenchman to bring it up to six.

Ewan’s nativist and bloodline stance is the kind of backwards thinking we need out of society.

It goes hand in hand with people of privilege and family lineages getting opportunities and jobs they don’t deserve. Like mediocre children getting parliamentary assistant jobs with TDs because their daddy and grandad were local figures in a political party.


I’m against these nationalised players playing for ireland but the likes of Dillane are perfectly entitled to play for ireland. He was born abroad but grew up in ireland and spent a good majority of his schooling here. He played underage for tralee. Ewans being awkward for awkward sake


Agree for once.

Actually Ewan didn’t bring him up this time but has previously cited O’Gara and Heaslip as foreign born players, which, while factually correct, is very disingenuous.


Incredibly, splitting hairs. These guys were born to irish parents and they were in school in ireland. They are not the issues. The issue is picking up mercenaries who aren’t up to standard for NZ or SA

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