The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Absolutely, at least with the soccer granny rule there is a legitimate link to the diaspora.

There are a few piss taking Brazilians lining out for Qatar but generally international soccer residency rules don’t encourage mercanaries to the same extent.

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We have the ability to produce world class players here and its a sport only played by 10 country’s at a serious level. No need to pick up players abroad. The top tier teams should have stricter rules around players declaring for other country’s but the likes of o gara and heslip still able to play for their country. The 5 year rule is a start but its only kicking the can down the road.

HOw many non French were playing for France last weekend?

The IRFU are in a bind because they need bums on seats to generate revenue. If the other major countries are taking the piss then the blazers are duty bound to get the best qualified players into the team also.

A bit like Corporate tax arbitrage, don’t hate the player hate the game. The 5 year residency will improve matters. Just like OECD BEPS 2.0

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Is this new lad in on the residency rule ?

No, he just loves oireland and has always dreamt of playing rubby for them. He cries listening to oireland’s call. So he does.

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James Lowe and Gibson- Park qualified this Autumn and are amongst the last to avail of the old 3 year residency rule

James Lowe is the fella in the Indo article.

What kind of name is Gibson Park ?

Lowe is our best winger by a million miles.

Ewan is a sad act who’d want to get a bit of levity. There’s much worse things going on in the world.

He should go away and become a serious journalist and stop talking about ball if he wants to do this amount of hand ringing.

“The Dubs are overcresourced”, “McGregor is a scrote”, “pro athletes take drugs”…Who gives a fuck?

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Lowe is failed all black. “our” fuck off.

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Good player though, its the way of things now.

Much more important get facilities and coaching for young fellas so that we don’t need to resort to a James Lowe.

As it stands, he is head and shoulders our best back 3 player bar Zebo so we need him.

Ewan counts ROG as a yank and Jamie Heaslip as an Israeli.

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He isn’t “ours”. He’s a kiwi mercenary, playing for Ireland for the money because he’s not good enough to play for the all blacks. He will take the place of one of ours.


I’ve seen him reach in arguments over and again but the subject matter and his argument was so repetitive and his writing so wrought that’ll I forget what it was about.

He fancies himself as some kind of whistle-blower but he has no real standing for that. What has he ever done for Irish sport?

We don’t need to resort to him now. Who told you that?

I can see totally where you are coming from but it wouldn’t really bother me.

I like to see us put out the best team no matter what.

Its endemic in rugby with the Pacific Island teams particularly robbed blind. While that’s going on I’m really happy enough to do what we ate doing.

@rocko ban this cunt

Id like us to put the best Irish team out. Lads who have gone to school and grown up here.
I have no interest in watching the likes of bundee aki and James Lowe play for Ireland, save to hope they lose.

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The likes of Bundee Id agree with you, hasnt got it at the top level.

None of them seem to