The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

I know a good solicitor, bro

Dont even look at it @mac. Youll end up in court too.


I abandoned my family on holiday to sit and and watch. It was fascinating.


The tattle crowd are logging on in their thousands to read it.

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My family are now all asleep and the fridge is stocked. Where do I go?

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I’d say you’ll get the buildup from around there.


Ta I might go back in and read a second time…

A glutton for punishment.

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The californian Shaman​:smiley::smiley:


I’ve done my daily search of @Malarkey posts cos he’s such a legend that I actively look forward to what he says as he never repeats himself. Lot of reading to do.


I missed the madness

Be interesting to see if WinnietheWagon has added any of the fine literary insults that were liberally used.
There was some smashing visceral bursts of language used. Tattle will be on fire next week ….

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A welcome respite for the Garrihy sisters if the crueller Tattlers are distracted by TFK.

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Poor Bla Murphy getting it in spades after her recent break up

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There’s a neighbour of mine who gets comparable grief to those you mention. I’m privy to a bit of information that will drive them apocalyptic when the news breaks.
It concerns a topic she gets slaughtered about but it’s a real fuck you to the haters……
It will of course be derided and the knives will be on the sharpener endlessly but they’ll just have to seethe away. I’d nearly log in myself to stir the shit……

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If you show any support for the women getting pilloried you’ll get a swift banning from the admins as my life partner found out. Twice.

It would be akin to heavy handed admins on here kicking anyone praising McIlroy for a decent five iron approach.

Your deadly boy​:flushed::clap:

I have it on good authority a man was arrested in Ballyhale at 19:30 last night for contravention of the online abuse laws


I was. By you.

The chronology and the semantics are crystal clear.

"Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.”

I am meant to have obsessed – your term – about a child who I did not know existed – and now, it turns out, does not exist.

Apart from anything else, you and Dimmy have shown exactly what ye are, two middle-aged utter creeps. Ye colluded together to accuse someone of paedophilia by inventing an eight year old daughter for Dimmy.

The reality is that I intuited Dimmy would go this road. How else could could I have read this scenario so accurately? I know who he is and my information is that he does not have an eight year old daughter.

You have shown exactly what you are: a middle-aged god help us who colluded on a discussion with a middle-aged Kevin Myers-admiring gobshite who has never left, mentally, secondary school to accuse an innocent person of paedophilia – because that person happens to have different views on Covid, is a GAA supporter and has a level of intelligence of which ye are painfully jealous.

Ye got played like the poisonous dupes ye are. The bottom line for you: ‘I went along with another lad in the invention of an eight year old girl so I could accuse someone on the Internet of paedophilia.’

You are so poisonously stupid that I got you to show your innermost nature on the Internet. How does being that person feel?

Stay down in Clare, Walter Hind Titty.