You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Visors of rage on the other passengers faces and you down the back of the plane barking like a Jack Russell behind a gate.

If you get on a plane with 200 people, probably 5 of them will have covid. People shouldn’t get on a plane if they are worried.

5 may be a low call Julio!

Gas cunts

Its done

Quite extraordinary to see the kangos unable to give up being kangos.

One of their mantras has always been that Covid is just a flu, something that therefore waxes in winter and wanes in summer. This mantra was continually used to deem any kind of intervention unnecessary and beside the point. The Californian Shaman was particularly insistent on this front – and obviously completely wrong, as some of us quickly twigged, a small bit of thought taken… What we are seeing at the moment is precisely the opposite to this insistence. Over the last few weeks, I heard of numerous people getting the virus – in June. Quite a few of them had avoided catching it for more than two years.

There are any amount of ways in which the kangos have been wrong all along. Here, again, is a central one.


We don’t seem to be doing great.

So you’re using anecdotal experience as your proof?

Isn’t it just as likely that your social circle managed to avoid Covid during the peak respiratory season as you’re from a rooral backwater and you hang around with other screaming Mary’s? All your buddies are now up for the GGA and that’s why they are probably catching it.

Five nights of Garth Brooks could be catastrophic coming in the autumn as respiratory season kicks off.


Did they bother with the vaccination?

2nd round back in our house today eldest flattened worse than he was pre vaccine in December 2020


What an obnoxious rugby-obsessed fuckwit has to say is never of any matter.

The ‘rural Ireland is just boggers’ is a fairly tedious one at this stage. I will be in Oxford tomorrow evening, drinking better wine than you have ever had at a college High Table.

As said before, the only thing I could do – perhaps – for your stupidity? Impregnate your daughter.

Shhhsh man, don’t mention the great swindle. The Vax zealots hate being found out as fools

Well, they do not bother with paranoid cranks. So I suppose they did.

No vaccine in history has ever been 100% efficient. With all your trumpeted reading, it is rather amazing – and telling – you never grasped the most basic of basics.

Maybe booster number 45 might do it?

And I see no one has the gumption to admit the ‘Covid is seasonal, like every flu’ mantra was always stupidity squared.

Ye lost, because ye are mostly badnatured and stupid. Not all of ye but nearly all of ye. Move on.

Would another lock down make you happy. Is that it?
We could hold tight til they make an even better vaccine… One that stops you getting a head cold in summer?

So your anecdotal subset is significant enough to demonstrate the prevalence of the virus and the lack of seasonality, but not significant enough to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the vaccine?
That’s an absolute gem of having your cake and eating it.




Which one are you?