The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Up the cats lad

You are talking pure shite.

Same as you were talking pure shite the other day about the Covid virus doing its own thing in late 2020 and early 2021, no matter what the human intervention.

You actually have not got a fuckin’ jot.

But I did eventually get to this sentence:

In all age groups studied, the overall risks of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection‐related hospitalization and death are hugely greater than the risks from post‐vaccine myocarditis.

Well done Jessica.


Here you go.

you can find someone else to argue with you fucking toad of a man. You aren’t worth a cup of cold piss

The problem with being desperately wrong is the need, sooner or later, for contortion.

You have not got a fuckin’ jot.

You are wasted on a farm. You could make a fortune dancing for lads smoking a hookah pipe.

plug out the router lad


have a good evening Gentlemen (and Toads)

@glenshane go easy on him, he’s obviously not in a good place

@Malarkey and I could head directly to the whiskey thread and have the civilest of yarns… that’s what makes us special/psychotic…


Not a great pint, aesthetically, but still a great pint in a fine pub.


How is she remotely dangerous? Because you don’t like her views?

I can certainly describe how an impressionable, ultra-gullible fuckwit like you is dangerous.

It’s because you and others like you are loud, paranoid, motivated by pathological hatred of anything outside of 19th century social values, and utterly relentless in your American style arrogant stupidity, an American style arrogant stupidity which actively seeks to make the lives of anybody not like you a misery.

You are the classic Trump cultist fruitcake and a genuinely dangerous piece of work.

Right. I will leave it there.

Time to finish my pint.

Don’t back down boys, double down.

My god

Mad Men