Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Careful now or youā€™ll get a slap of karma as well.


ā€œevidence and reasonā€

Turpentine and halitosis and body odour.

And back to the whisky line, the graceless concessionā€™s graceless concession.

It gives me quiet satisfaction to know how much disadvantage being so unpleasant as well as so stupid must bring you. And will bring you.

I often thought the confidently stupid must feel they are listening to a Lambeg drum when they are the Lambeg drum.

Is that what @EstebanSexface has named his todger?


Ritchie Hogan getting sent off in 2019 was karma for all the snaky belts he gave over the years?

I supposeā€¦

karma police

Influenza is very serious, it kills thousands every year and emergency departments are often under severe pressureā€¦hence protection for those most vulnerable would seem sensible.

As for vitaminā€¦those of asian or african American descent accounted for 21 out of the 25 deaths among uk doctors, from covid last april. There was only one such death in may(*), after a letter was circulated advising doctors to address vitamin d deficiencyā€¦according to the doctor who sent the letter. ā€¦So VITAMINS, yeah.

*it may have been during the rest of the year, I can send you a link if you want to check


It is an amazing disease. FiL was going mental all last week as his best friend had contracted Covid from a daughter, who had gone to a large house gathering/Party to watch the AIF with up to 20 people present. The friend smoked all his life, late 70s, has COPD and 30% lung function. Everyone was casting scorn upon the daughter for killing the father. He had the test and it came back positive. Turns out heā€™s fineā€¦ had absolutely no symptoms.


You are childish, like all self satisfied morons.


There are plenty of flakes in your life.

You love the halitosis so you do. Itā€™s easy to he confident when conversing with someone full of piss and bluster like yourself. As I said, school paper contributors would cringe at your naff lines, theyā€™re brutal mate.

ICU number arenā€™t the numbers to be looking at

Karma and long covid are hiding in the long grass for him thoughā€¦ itā€™s not over yet.


ā€œInfluenza is very seriousā€

You really are deranged, if you think this stuff is funny and facetious.

Away you go with your certainties. My amazement is not interest. I just hardly ever encounter dangerously obtuse people.

And I know well ye would all be too cowardly to look a long Covid sufferer in the eye and tell him or her they are a liar. What an awful life, behind the online bluster.

Are they?

You are a joke, then, a fat moth against glass, unable to stay away, full of white stuff.

Any time you to want tell me anything, look me up. I am easily found. We will see, no problem, how your bravado holds up in person.

But I doubt your bravado is mobile.

Thatā€™s a fact. An elderly uncle of mine livng in an old folks home in London with dementia tested positive with Covid and had a high temp for one day and was fine and an Indian girl about my age that I know was at deaths door with it on Christmas Day in England. She came through thank god. Itā€™s so strange the variety in symptoms and outcomes.

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John Lennon knew

This againā€¦ youā€™re not a tough guy. Do you know how sad and little you sound with the look me up stuff? Next time Iā€™m home Iā€™ll look up ā€˜guy who posts cringe inducing analogies on the internet and has list of long covid sufferers to handā€™


Itā€™s arrived in our house this last week and the eldest at 23 who got it first said ā€œIā€™ve been sicker with tonsillitis and a chest infection etc is this what caused the whole world to stop could they not have cocooned vulnerable and older people insteadā€ hard to argue with him to
be fair the missus has it as well but has very mild symptoms



The initial argument behind this was finished in November once vaccines came on stream. Like it or not, but Governments were going to keep borrowing waiting for the vaccine rollout.

Iā€™ve found it interesting in the last 24 hours though seeing some of the reactions. As I said, Iā€™m more sanguine about another lockdown now so long as we get our skates on with the vaccine, but many are fed up completely. Iā€™ve noticed more and more saying they are. Thankfully we have a vaccine as we were reaching a terrible point here.


Iā€™m making my oul lad horse it into him, thereā€™s any amount of evidenceā€¦I read yesterday that 40 (of whatever units they use to measure d levels in the blood) are 90% effective compared to 95% for the Pfizer vaccine. Iā€™ve a tiny obtuse mind though.

I like @Malarkey a lot. This exchange has reely left me realling .

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