The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

I’ve been cast into the abyss by @malarkey for having the temerity to suggest he’s just a jobbing hack like most of us.
He does remind me of the lad in the life of Brian screaming “stwike him vewy woughly”

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There are at least 10 lads here who genuinely should be sectioned.

C or otherwise?

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I think this place genuinely plays a social role, and most sensible posters recognise that, and avoid baiting people who have hard lives. There are a few posters, a very few, with a properly nasty streak. There are far more would go a long way out of their way to help you out.
I’ve experienced more genuine kindness here than most real life places.


I would thoroughly disagree with this.

The nasty ones are lauded and encouraged generally though

The forum would be a lesser place without Sid but it’s clear that certain things cannot be tolerated by the owners,
We all see what we want, I’ve never been on the receiving end of sids venom but I’ve taken plenty from others, He’s not the nastiest here by any means

I make allowances for Sid as he has a hard station. He generally only gets nasty when provoked by eople who know exactly what they are doing.


Maybe you’re right. Ive seen more generosity and kindness than bile on here.
I skim read the nasty stuff. I skip most of the Sid, labane repetition

The fact it was @myboyblue that set up the twitter accounts and shared the posts and got caught red handed in the act should see Sidney unbanned. Myboyblues “what did I miss act” was swallowed by the gullible last night.

Oh what wicked webs we weave

Never was the phrase “lads have too much time on their hands” truer

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Some shower of nutters.


It’s hilarious to here lads discussing What’s fair game To post on. Particularly some of the limerick posters. If the mods had a shred of credibility they’d ban the racist. He got caught red handed in the act. Shat it and deleted it. Sidney had nothing to gain from those twitter accounts.

I think I’ll get a bit of Christmas shopping done today


Good grief, that’s some reach. It might be time for you to take a break from the keyboard yourself.

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I know I say this half serious most times, but this is most definitely more lies. Post reported.

All joking aside, this chap is quite odd.

Er did you not see the original tweets on the account ? Before the name was changed ? It was quite obviously him or some other Laois faa fanatic.

Think we all need to prioritise

You’ll have a simpleton like mac defend myboyblue now. It’s amazing really.