The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

You don’t forget the ones that got away. I’m still haunted by them.


I never fully unravelled it. I never will.
As an aside, my oul fella got a scholarship to trinity back in the day, so he went. Bishop Brown at the time openly proclaimed that any Catholic going to trinity would go to hell. This was at a time when the bishop was the power in the land, and hell was a thing.

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Some yoke. A pig of a man by all accounts.

I got dragged in to look at the body. There were queues round the block for days.

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Aren’t you all the better for it?

I heard that the actual quote was any Catholic that went to Trinity would go to Hell or their son would go to Manchester

Hell and it’s earthly equivalent

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Holohan Holohan Holohan

Just aswell her thesis didn’t involve uvf inmates of long Kesh they killed one of their own pool cue or something similar used( pour bastard broke in Castlereagh, admitted it but was deemed to be a liability, after being sent to Coventry in Crumlin road , same shite followed him to L Kesh, but that wasn’t good enough, officially death by misadventure ( ie suicide) but the poor bastard was choked, kicked, abused and strangled

sure many’s a man choked, kicked, abused and strangled himself while in custody

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Swinger Fulton?

He had to go

:clap::clap::clap:north and south

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Dublin gaa inc have lads driven demented

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The next time you see an example of corruption and injustice in the world, know which side you were counted on when faced with the same.

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Dublin dominance due to “corruption”. Ok Ewan :joy::joy:

Saucy for a Monday

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I’ll have to explain this in terms you can understand.

Say the youn-yun roysh like totally gave rock millions extra in sponds roysh, and they have like totally the best coaches and food and pad roysh, would that be, like, fair

That’s Michaels brah

I understand completely you six-fingered, welly wearing, boot-cut jeans loving, cousin-kissing muldoon (if we’re going to indulge in cliches)

Something being unfair is completely different to something being corrupt. Corrupt was your word which I suspect has absolutely no factual basis and was just a bit of Ewan-like hyperbole as you went on full-tilt last night.